flex-webchat-ui-sample copied to clipboard
Is it possible to use this approach for a website NOT using React as framework?
Its not self evident that this approach of customizing WebChat can be used for websites which are based on frameworks other than react. For example, suppose a website has been developed and built using asp.net core, or Wordpress
Is this demo even applicable to those scenarios? Or are engineers limited to the CDN approach of customizing the webchat if the underlying framework is something other than react? If this is true, it would be helpful to the community to have a sort of disclaimer NOTE: This approach of customizing WebChat applies only to websites using react as their underlying web framework. Customers with websites other than those based on React are limited to CDN approach.
Im just hoping to get some clarification since I dont think its evident to me how to go about using the NPM approach to customize the WebChat when the website is using something other than react.
ANy insight is appreciated. I have asked this question on forums.twilio.com, with not a clear cut answer. https://forums.twilio.com/questions/1216/what-exactly-is-required-in-order-to-create-custom.html
I think this is too relevant. I want to implement it with Vuejs, but can't. I'll try to use CDN instead, but it will be awesome if I can use npm for this purpose and add it into a View in my project.