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Two CRM container
Is it possible to put or add two CRM container in Twilio Flex
Similar query, is it possible to add multiple URLs in a single CRM container?
If we go by this (https://www.twilio.com/docs/flex/tutorials/building-flex-plugins) example, can we add a second "flex.CRMContainer.defaultProps.uriCallback" function to render two URLs within a single CRM container? The need for this is that I want to render two URLs within Agent Desktop and " flex.AgentDesktopView.Panel1" does not give any function similar to CRM container for URL rendering.
I want to achieve something like this screenshot:
Hey @binhudakhalid @UsmanKamal, you can use Flex to add, replace, and remove any component. For example, you can remove the original CRM container and add a new one or replace the CRM container itself. Check out our docs: https://www.twilio.com/docs/flex/components-add-replace-modify
A simple example to replace the CRM container:
Your custom component will be in charge of rendering the two containers you need.
@binhudakhalid don't know if you got a answer but you can do this
export const CrmSplit = () => {
return (
<div style={{ width: "100%", height: "100%" }}>
<div style={{ width: "100%", height: "50vh" }}>First half</div>
<div style={{ width: "100%", height: "50vh" }}>second half</div>
Then this
Flex.CRMContainer.Content.replace(<CrmSplit key="CrmSplit"/>);
@UsmanKamal can you please tell me how did you implement this