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spellrotate.vim copied to clipboard

Cycles spelling suggestions under the cursor


Cycles spelling suggestions under the cursor.



  • The '[ and '] marks are used to keep track of the text being worked on. Making a change elsewhere will effectively "accept" the suggested change.
  • Accepts a count.
  • Can cycle suggestions in the opposite direction.
  • Repeatable using vim-repeat.
  • Undo once to restore the original word regardless of how many suggestions have been cycled.
  • Works in visual mode to get suggestions for split words (e.g. "head line" -> "headline")
    • Uses '< and '> marks to keep track of the text.
    • Note: Doesn't seem to be repeatable with vim-repeat.
  • The original word being changed is kept in the unnamed register.
  • The original, previous, current, and next suggestions are displayed in the command line.
  • Naive command :SpellRotateSubAll to replace all text matching the original with the current suggestion.


You will need to map the keys yourself:

nmap <silent> zn <Plug>(SpellRotateForward)
nmap <silent> zp <Plug>(SpellRotateBackward)
vmap <silent> zn <Plug>(SpellRotateForwardV)
vmap <silent> zp <Plug>(SpellRotateBackwardV)

Note: You must use nmap and vmap.

Note: The above keys are only examples! I'm sure you already hate them. Spelling, folding, and a handful of miscellaneous motions are prefixed by z. Nobody would be happy with a default key map set by this plugin.
