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:guitar: Improvements to the handling of Django related files in Vim

Results 14 django-plus.vim issues
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This adds a command to avoid redefining autocmd more than once in a vim session. Every time vim sets filetype for a new buffer, vim will re-run ftdetect.vim. The augroup...

Would it be possible to add completion for queryset field arguments? For example: typing `SomeModel.objects.filter(` should complete the fields of the `SomeModel` model. This should also include lookups like `id__in`,...

Hello, i have this tree structure right now where i launch vim from the . ``` . ├── app │   ├── app │   │   └── settings/ [base|dev|prod].py │   ├── core...

Anyone got django-plus to play nicely with coc.nvim (coc-python & coc-html) ? In django templates, I'm not getting completion after `{%` and `{{ var |` anymore, not sure how to...

In a template with the code `{% extends "base.html" %}`, I would like to switch to the related `base.html` file by pressing CTRL-]. Can Django-plus add the configuration to auto-create...

in msys2, when cwd is /, vim will crash with checking `filereadable('//')`

``` {% extends "base.html" %} {% load static %} {% load cache %} {% block content %} {% cache 500 product_list %} {% for product in object_list %} {{ product.title...

This project [could not be included]( in vim-polyglot because it does too much on startup, even if the user is only editing a text file or a Javascript file. (I...

`b:is_django` show equal 1, `UltiSnips` still used python.snippets. `:set filetype` show equal `python`. when detected project is django, can automatically change filetype? i use ycm + ultisnips. Is this what...