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A lab for future Criterion features.
Hyperion: Haskell-based systems benchmarking
Hyperion is a DSL for writing benchmarks to measure and analyze software performance. It is a lab for future Criterion features.
Getting started
You can build the micro benchmark example
using stack:
$ stack build
$ stack exec hyperion-micro-benchmark-example
Example usage
The Hyperion DSL is a backwards compatible extension
to Criterion's DSL (except for the rarely used env
combinator, which has a safer type). Here is an example:
benchmarks :: [Benchmark]
benchmarks =
[ bench "id" (nf id ())
, series [0,5..20] $ \n ->
bgroup "pure-functions"
[ bench "fact" (nf fact n)
, bench "fib" (nf fib n)
, series [1..4] $ \n ->
series [1..n] $ \k ->
bench "n choose k" $ nf (uncurry choose) (n, k)
main :: IO ()
main = defaultMain "hyperion-example-micro-benchmarks" benchmarks
By default Hyperion runs your benchmarks and pretty prints the
results. There are several command-line options that you can pass to
the executable, like printing the results to a JSON file or including
individual raw measurements. To see the full set of options run the
executable with --help
$ stack exec hyperion-micro-benchmark-example -- --help
Usage: hyperion-micro-benchmark-example ([--pretty] | [-j|--json PATH] |
[-f|--flat PATH]) ([-l|--list] | [--run]
| [--no-analyze]) [--raw]
[--arg KEY:VAL] [NAME...]
Available options:
-h,--help Show this help text
--pretty Pretty prints the measurements on stdout.
-j,--json PATH Where to write the json benchmarks output. Can be a
file name, a directory name or '-' for stdout.
-f,--flat PATH Where to write the json benchmarks output. Can be a
file name, a directory name or '-' for stdout.
--version Display version information
-l,--list List benchmark names
--run Run benchmarks and analyze them (default)
--no-analyze Only run the benchmarks
--raw Include raw measurement data in report.
--arg KEY:VAL Extra metadata to include in the report, in the
format key:value.