Wende Tan
Wende Tan
Due to the design, we currently do not support a domain root to list all its submissions, and only system root can do so. Sorry.
For the code, the domain root can see all the code submitted to the domain. By the way, if the domain root knows the submission id, he/she can see the...
We have different permission checking for listing and viewing. https://github.com/vijos/vj4/blob/master/vj4/handler/record.py
You need to know the submission id ^\_^ T\_T.
> From original comment it seems like the intention was to fix the caller. From code reference all 3 callers (problem.py:242, problem.py:613, problem.py:633) will not pass in null `dudoc`. In...
This is a form when joining the domain. Users must fill?
To hide items, just remove the permissions.