Tessa Walsh
Tessa Walsh
> OK, but why is it written as `pywb.recorder.test.test_recorder`? Why doesn't it say something like "`pywb/recorder/test/test_recorder.py` in the repo [or code]"? Good question! That is the Python packaging/import syntax for...
Closing; we're upgrading to `gevent==23.9.0` for now to stay on greenlet 2.x for httpbin
We will also need to ensure that the fuzzy matching in pywb and wabac.js works with previously-created URLs created by pwyb, or develop a process to reindex as necessary.
Thanks @rikkipitt ! We don't have documentation on `rules.yaml` yet and as you've pointed out, it would be very useful. We will track progress on that in this issue. As...
> I have been using brunnhilde.py -b -l -z -o --hash SHA256 path-to-input/ path-to-output/ > > Run on a directory of emails (MBOX format) and attachments (separated out) Huh, Bulk...
> Other existing difference: the warcio.js cdx contains status code as number instead of as string, caught by current test failures. I'm wondering if the solution here isn't just to...
Closing in favor of #673 (WACZ generation approach has been changed, as documented in #674) Also worth noting that as of https://github.com/webrecorder/warcio.js/pull/75, CDXJ created by warcio.js now uses strings consistently...
Dependent on https://github.com/webrecorder/browsertrix/pull/1394
@ikreymer Latest change re: replicas tested and working as expected, thanks for that!
May also need to export/import configmaps if we expect imported workflows to be able to run crawls