telegram-history-dump copied to clipboard
ruby problem?
Thanks for extending telegram functionality. I have Gentoo/Funtoo Linux build. Ruby info is
$ ruby --version
ruby 2.3.3p222 (2016-11-21 revision 56859) [x86_64-linux]
I start telegram-cli in a gnome-terminal window:
$ telegram-cli --json -P 9009
Telegram-cli version 1.4.1, Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Vitaly Valtman
Telegram-cli comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show_license'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show_license' for details.
Telegram-cli uses libtgl version 2.1.0
Telegram-cli includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project
for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (
I: config dir=[/home/rolf/.telegram-cli]
However, at the command line of a separate gnome-terminal window I only produce an apparent ruby error:
$ ~/build/telegram-history-dump/telegram-history-dump.rb --config=~/build/telegram-history-dump/config.yaml
/usr/lib64/ruby/2.3.0/psych.rb:474:in `initialize': No such file or directory @ rb_sysopen - ~/build/telegram-history-dump/config.yaml (Errno::ENOENT)
from /usr/lib64/ruby/2.3.0/psych.rb:474:in `open'
from /usr/lib64/ruby/2.3.0/psych.rb:474:in `load_file'
from /home/rolf/build/telegram-history-dump/telegram-history-dump.rb:265:in `<main>'
Can you point to what am doing wrong? Here is config.yaml:
## Backup targets ##
# Array of strings for each category
# Strings can be either a (partial) name or a telegram-cli "peer_id" value
# An empty array means "everything in this category"
# An array containing only null means "nothing in this category"
# Array of user dialogs to backup
backup_users: [
# Array of group dialogs to backup
backup_groups: [
# Array of supergroup dialogs to backup
backup_supergroups: [
# Array of broadcast channels to backup
# WARNING: using this can cause a crash when a channel has too many messages
# to fit in a single chunk (see
backup_channels: [
# By default telegram-cli returns only the first 100 dialogs/channels
# We increase this to 1000. If you have even more, increase this value
maximum_dialogs: 10000
## Output options ##
# Formatters export the JSON output to a different format
# To enable a formatter, uncomment it along with all of its options
# If no formatters are enabled, only JSON files are produced
formatters: {
# plaintext: {
# date_format: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
# },
# bare: {},
# pisg: {},
# html: {
# paginate: 1500, # messages per page
# use_utc_time: false,
# timestamps_every: 50, # messages
# loop_video: true, # loop and autoplay videos
# },
# Target directory for the backup files
# If this is a relative path it will be relative to the script's directory
# Absolute path starts with '/' or '~'
backup_dir: '~/private/telegram/output'
# Data file naming style:
# True for "My_Chat_Name.jsonl", false for "193044.jsonl" (fixed id)
friendly_data_filenames: true
# True to rename data files when their name changes
# For example, "My_Chat_Name.jsonl" is renamed to "WhoChangedTheTitle.jsonl"
update_data_filenames: true
# Maximum number of messages to backup for each target (0 means unlimited)
backlog_limit: 0
# At the time of writing, telegram-cli does not properly detect audio/video
# These will be recognized as documents instead
# Stickers are also considered documents
download_media: {
photo: true,
document: true,
audio: true,
video: true,
# False to reference downloaded files in the telegram-cli cache
# True to copy downloaded media to a dedicated directory per dialog
copy_media: true
# True to delete media files from telegram-cli cache right after downloading
# Effectively turns copy_media into move_media
# Beware: this will cause media files to be redownloaded every backup run
delete_media: false
# When a user's real name is formatted, include their last name if possible
display_last_name: true
## Technical options ##
# Use a unix socket to communicate with telegram-cli
# Should match the path passed to telegram-cli with the -S option
# NB: Setting tg_sock to some not false value will cause the script
# to ignore the next options about TCP connection
# tg_sock: "/var/run/telegram.sock"
tg_sock: null
# Address of the machine you are running telegram-cli on
# If this is not localhost telegram-cli must be invoked with --accept-any-tcp
tg_host: 'localhost'
# Should match the port passed to telegram-cli with the -P option
tg_port: 9009
# Number of messages to request in one chunk
chunk_size: 100
# Time in seconds to wait between requesting chunks
chunk_delay: 1.0
# Time in seconds to wait before considering a request stuck (0 = infinite)
chunk_timeout: 10
# Number of times to retry getting one chunk
chunk_retry: 3
# Time in seconds to wait before considering a download stuck (0 = infinite)
# After this time the script skips to the next message
media_timeout: 100
## Advanced behavior settings ##
# Enables incremental backups (progress is tracked in <outdir>/progress.json)
# Setting this to false will force a complete re-run of the backup every time
track_progress: true
# Replacement string for the characters in dialog names which are potentially
# problematic in filenames
# You can set this to '' if the dialog names are unique enough
character_substitute: '_'
# Skip messages if their text matches this Ruby regex
# Example: '/forbidden|words/i'
filter_regex: null
Perhaps an absolute path to the config file? I don't even specify it though and it just works. Perhaps leave the argument for it out and just have the config in the same folder as the .rb file.