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[Feature Request] Add support for userscripts
I want to use some userscripts instead of that scripts thing. Is it possible?
Technically, you're asking for greasyfork / tampermonkey integration.
Technically, you're asking for greasyfork / tampermonkey integration.
idk, i guess so
I'm puzzled. This exists!
In Settings > Scripts Click '+' Under "// Your script here" Type "alert ('Hello');" Save Reload a Web page ...
I want to use some userscripts instead of that scripts thing. Is it possible?
I'm puzzled. This exists!
In Settings > Scripts Click '+' Under "// Your script here" Type "alert ('Hello');" Save Reload a Web page ...
Oh, do you mean "that scripts thing" is not the same as greasyfork / tampermonkey / grease monkey / violentmonkey integration?
It looks the same to me, just not an extension, but built-in ...
If the script from elsewhere doesn't work, that''s another matter. Javascript / ecmascript is pretty standard, and the DOM is presumably same as Chrome, since it is WebView, no?
No, i meant exactly as them, but doesn't work when i add userscript to it
I believe there are some things that are controlled by Android, not by the browser, unlike a desktop OS that leaves more control to the browser.
'Context menus' are one example ...
Browsers that are trying to support extensions (Kiwi, Yandex) find that to be difficult to overcome.
Unless Via is going to also try to support everything that desktop browser extensions can do, I doubt if the UserScript system will.
Does the script you want to use work in other browsers?
User scripts are currently supported.