tuya-iotos-embeded-multimedia-demo copied to clipboard
demo codes for Tuya multimedia SDK applications
English | 中文版
This demo provides the code for Tuya multimedia SDK applications.
Application demo code and resources are supplied to develop different types of devices based on the Tuya Embedded SDK for Multimedia Devices. For example, the following devices are supported: IP cameras (IPCs), network video recorders (NVRs), digital video recorders (DVRs), video doorbells, low-power doorbells, and floodlights.
Get started
Prepare the development environment.
Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS is suggested (not limited, Linux is required). Install Tuya Smart on your mobile phone and register.
Build a quick demo of IP cameras (IPCs).
Download SDK for Ubuntu x64, and decompress the SDK to demo_for_ipc\sdk.
# cd demo_for_ipc
# make APP_NAME=name
- Run a virtual device.
Copy demo resources to demo_for_ipc/output
# cp demo_resource demo_for_ipc/output/resource -r
Use the Tuya Smart app to get a token and pair the device. (What is TOKEN?)
Run the device with new PID/UUID/AUTHKEY. (What is PID/UUID/AUTHKEY?)
# cd output
# ./tuya_ipc_demo -m 2 -p [PID] -u [UUID] -a [AUTHKEY] -r "./" -t "[TOKEN]"
Open the Tuya Smart app to check whether an IPC is added. You can tap the IPC to view a demo video.
Tuya IoT Developer Platform: https://developer.tuya.com/en/
Tuya Smart Help Center: https://support.tuya.com/en/help
Technical Support Console: https://service.console.tuya.com/