tuya-homebridge copied to clipboard
Changing the brightness through HomeKit app resets the bulb color to white.
Describe the bug Changing the brightness through HomeKit app resets the bulb color to white. For example I set the color to red, then change the brightness, but the resulting color is white.
Expected behavior Changing the brightness should keep the previous color.
Device info (please complete the following information, which can be found in log):
{ "active_time": 1657123687, "biz_type": 0, "category": "dj", "create_time": 1657123687, "icon": "smart/icon/bay1602470467329A4Wj/495c48c6138e71b2b970e4570e4b7c5d.png", "id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "ip": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "lat": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "local_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx", "lon": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "model": "PST-JL04-E", "name": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "online": true, "owner_id": "47044445", "product_id": "wjhlruel1nu2grwf", "product_name": "9W A60 RGBCW Smart WIFI LED Bulb", "status": [ { "code": "switch_led", "value": true }, { "code": "work_mode", "value": "white" }, { "code": "bright_value_v2", "value": 376 }, { "code": "temp_value_v2", "value": 627 }, { "code": "colour_data_v2", "value": "{"h":51,"s":1000,"v":79}" }, { "code": "scene_data_v2", "value": "{"scene_num":1,"scene_units":[{"bright":200,"h":0,"s":0,"temperature":0,"unit_change_mode":"static","unit_gradient_duration":13,"unit_switch_duration":14,"v":0}]}" }, { "code": "countdown_1", "value": 0 }, { "code": "music_data", "value": "" }, { "code": "control_data", "value": "" }, { "code": "rhythm_mode", "value": "AAAAAAA=" }, { "code": "sleep_mode", "value": "AAA=" }, { "code": "wakeup_mode", "value": "AAA=" }, { "code": "power_memory", "value": "AAEAAAPoA+gD6AAA" }, { "code": "do_not_disturb", "value": false }, { "code": "remote_switch", "value": true }, { "code": "cycle_timing", "value": "AAAA" }, { "code": "random_timing", "value": "AAAA" } ], "sub": false, "time_zone": "-03:00", "uid": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "update_time": 1657123782, "uuid": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" }
Device functions (please complete the following information, which can be found in log): { "category": "dj", "devices": [ "eb50a3568b77d2f8d4rchb" ], "functions": [ { "code": "switch_led", "desc": "switch led", "name": "switch led", "type": "Boolean", "values": "{}" }, { "code": "work_mode", "desc": "work mode", "name": "work mode", "type": "Enum", "values": "{"range":["white","colour","scene","music"]}" }, { "code": "bright_value_v2", "desc": "bright value v2", "name": "bright value v2", "type": "Integer", "values": "{"min":10,"max":1000,"scale":0,"step":1}" }, { "code": "temp_value_v2", "desc": "temp value v2", "name": "temp value v2", "type": "Integer", "values": "{"min":0,"max":1000,"scale":0,"step":1}" }, { "code": "colour_data_v2", "desc": "colour data v2", "name": "colour data v2", "type": "Json", "values": "{"h":{"min":0,"scale":0,"unit":"","max":360,"step":1},"s":{"min":0,"scale":0,"unit":"","max":1000,"step":1},"v":{"min":0,"scale":0,"unit":"","max":1000,"step":1}}" }, { "code": "scene_data_v2", "desc": "scene data v2", "name": "scene data v2", "type": "Json", "values": "{"scene_num":{"min":1,"scale":0,"max":8,"step":1},"scene_units": {"unit_change_mode":{"range":["static","jump","gradient"]},"unit_switch_duration":{"min":0,"scale":0,"max":100,"step":1},"unit_gradient_duration":{"min":0,"scale":0,"max":100,"step":1},"bright":{"min":0,"scale":0,"max":1000,"step":1},"temperature":{"min":0,"scale":0,"max":1000,"step":1},"h":{"min":0,"scale":0,"unit":"","max":360,"step":1},"s":{"min":0,"scale":0,"unit":"","max":1000,"step":1},"v":{"min":0,"scale":0,"unit":"","max":1000,"step":1}}}" }, { "code": "countdown_1", "desc": "countdown 1", "name": "countdown 1", "type": "Integer", "values": "{"unit":"s","min":0,"max":86400,"scale":0,"step":1}" }, { "code": "music_data", "desc": "music data", "name": "music data", "type": "Json", "values": "{"change_mode":{"range":["direct","gradient"]}, "bright":{"min":0,"scale":0,"unit":"","max":1000,"step":1}, "temperature":{"min":0,"scale":0,"unit":"","max":1000,"step":1}, "h":{"min":0,"scale":0,"unit":"","max":360,"step":1},"s":{"min":0,"scale":0,"unit":"","max":255,"step":1},"v":{"min":0,"scale":0,"unit":"","max":255,"step":1}}" }, { "code": "control_data", "desc": "control data", "name": "control data", "type": "Json", "values": "{"change_mode":{"range":["direct","gradient"]}, "bright":{"min":0,"scale":0,"unit":"","max":1000,"step":1}, "temperature":{"min":0,"scale":0,"unit":"","max":1000,"step":1}, "h":{"min":0,"scale":0,"unit":"","max":360,"step":1},"s":{"min":0,"scale":0,"unit":"","max":255,"step":1},"v":{"min":0,"scale":0,"unit":"","max":255,"step":1}}" }, { "code": "rhythm_mode", "desc": "rhythm mode", "name": "rhythm mode", "type": "Raw", "values": "{"maxlen":255}" }, { "code": "sleep_mode", "desc": "sleep mode", "name": "sleep mode", "type": "Raw", "values": "{"maxlen":255}" }, { "code": "wakeup_mode", "desc": "wakeup mode", "name": "wakeup mode", "type": "Raw", "values": "{"maxlen":255}" }, { "code": "power_memory", "desc": "power memory", "name": "power memory", "type": "Raw", "values": "{}" }, { "code": "do_not_disturb", "desc": "do not disturb", "name": "do not disturb", "type": "Boolean", "values": "{}" }, { "code": "remote_switch", "desc": "remote switch", "name": "remote switch", "type": "Boolean", "values": "{}" }, { "code": "cycle_timing", "desc": "cycle timing", "name": "cycle timing", "type": "Raw", "values": "{}" }, { "code": "random_timing", "desc": "random timing", "name": "random timing", "type": "Raw", "values": "{}" } ], "product_id": "wjhlruel1nu2grwf" }
Thank you for your feedback, we will solve this issue soon
Stale issue. we will close the issue soon. If this issue has not been resolved, please update the issue and contact us in time.