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Add support for smart water quality meter Yieryi YY-W9909
Please add support for smart water quality meter Yieryi YY-W9909. It currently only shows water temperature and I wish it would also show pH, TDS, EC, Salinity, and Proportion (specific gravity).
Data shows up in the Tuya IOT platform Device Debugging
The tuya integeration data diagnostics shows the following:
"data": { "endpoint": "https://openapi.tuyaus.com", "auth_type": 0, "country_code": "1", "app_type": "tuyaSmart", "mqtt_connected": true, "disabled_by": null, "disabled_polling": false, "devices": [ { "name": "FishTank", "model": "YY-9909", "category": "dgnbj", "product_id": "5ok0wq7drlqyo2hb", "product_name": "YY-9909", "online": true, "sub": false, "time_zone": "-06:00", "active_time": "2022-09-19T18:52:33+00:00", "create_time": "2022-09-19T18:45:50+00:00", "update_time": "2022-09-19T18:56:55+00:00", "function": { "ph_warn_max": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "", "min": 0, "max": 1500, "scale": 2, "step": 1 } }, "ph_warn_min": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "", "min": 0, "max": 1500, "scale": 2, "step": 1 } }, "temp_warn_max": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "\u2103", "min": -100, "max": 1100, "scale": 1, "step": 1 } }, "temp_warn_min": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "\u2103", "min": -100, "max": 1100, "scale": 1, "step": 1 } }, "tds_warn_max": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "ppm", "min": 0, "max": 199999, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "tds_warn_min": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "ppm", "min": 0, "max": 199999, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "ec_warn_max": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "us", "min": 0, "max": 199999, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "ec_warn_min": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "us", "min": 0, "max": 199999, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "salinity_warn_max": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "ppm", "min": 0, "max": 199999, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "salinity_warn_min": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "ppm", "min": 0, "max": 199999, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "pro_warn_max": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "S.G", "min": 500, "max": 2000, "scale": 3, "step": 1 } }, "pro_warn_min": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "S.G", "min": 500, "max": 2000, "scale": 3, "step": 1 } }, "orp_warn_max": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "mV", "min": -2000, "max": 2000, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "orp_warn_min": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "mV", "min": -2000, "max": 2000, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "cf_warn_max": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "CF", "min": 0, "max": 199999, "scale": 2, "step": 1 } }, "cf_warn_min": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "CF", "min": 1, "max": 199999, "scale": 2, "step": 1 } }, "rh_warn_max": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "%", "min": 0, "max": 100, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "rh_warn_min": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "%", "min": 0, "max": 100, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } } }, "status_range": { "temp_current": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "\u2103", "min": -100, "max": 1100, "scale": 1, "step": 1 } }, "sensor_list": { "type": "Raw", "value": {} }, "ph_current": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "", "min": 0, "max": 1500, "scale": 2, "step": 1 } }, "ph_warn_max": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "", "min": 0, "max": 1500, "scale": 2, "step": 1 } }, "ph_warn_min": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "", "min": 0, "max": 1500, "scale": 2, "step": 1 } }, "temp_warn_max": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "\u2103", "min": -100, "max": 1100, "scale": 1, "step": 1 } }, "temp_warn_min": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "\u2103", "min": -100, "max": 1100, "scale": 1, "step": 1 } }, "tds_current": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "ppm", "min": 0, "max": 199999, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "tds_warn_max": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "ppm", "min": 0, "max": 199999, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "tds_warn_min": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "ppm", "min": 0, "max": 199999, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "ec_current": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "us", "min": 0, "max": 199999, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "ec_warn_max": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "us", "min": 0, "max": 199999, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "ec_warn_min": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "us", "min": 0, "max": 199999, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "salinity_current": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "ppm", "min": 0, "max": 199999, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "salinity_warn_max": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "ppm", "min": 0, "max": 199999, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "salinity_warn_min": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "ppm", "min": 0, "max": 199999, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "pro_current": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "S.G", "min": 500, "max": 2000, "scale": 3, "step": 1 } }, "pro_warn_max": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "S.G", "min": 500, "max": 2000, "scale": 3, "step": 1 } }, "pro_warn_min": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "S.G", "min": 500, "max": 2000, "scale": 3, "step": 1 } }, "orp_current": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "mV", "min": -2000, "max": 2000, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "orp_warn_max": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "mV", "min": -2000, "max": 2000, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "orp_warn_min": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "mV", "min": -2000, "max": 2000, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "cf_current": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "CF", "min": 0, "max": 199999, "scale": 2, "step": 1 } }, "cf_warn_max": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "CF", "min": 0, "max": 199999, "scale": 2, "step": 1 } }, "cf_warn_min": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "CF", "min": 1, "max": 199999, "scale": 2, "step": 1 } }, "rh_current": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "%", "min": 0, "max": 100, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "rh_warn_max": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "%", "min": 0, "max": 100, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "rh_warn_min": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "%", "min": 0, "max": 100, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } } }, "status": { "temp_current": 240, "sensor_list": "AQEBAQEBAA==", "ph_current": 864, "ph_warn_max": 0, "ph_warn_min": 0, "temp_warn_max": 315, "temp_warn_min": -100, "tds_current": 266, "tds_warn_max": 0, "tds_warn_min": 0, "ec_current": 532, "ec_warn_max": 0, "ec_warn_min": 0, "salinity_current": 310, "salinity_warn_max": 0, "salinity_warn_min": 0, "pro_current": 984, "pro_warn_max": 500, "pro_warn_min": 500, "orp_current": 0, "orp_warn_max": -2000, "orp_warn_min": -2000 }, "home_assistant": { "name": "FishTank", "name_by_user": null, "disabled": false, "disabled_by": null, "entities": [ { "disabled": false, "disabled_by": null, "entity_category": null, "device_class": null, "original_device_class": "temperature", "icon": null, "original_icon": null, "unit_of_measurement": "\u00b0F", "state": { "entity_id": "sensor.fishtank_temperature", "state": "75.2", "attributes": { "state_class": "measurement", "unit_of_measurement": "\u00b0F", "device_class": "temperature", "friendly_name": "FishTank Temperature" }, "last_changed": "2022-12-22T21:54:06.684172+00:00", "last_updated": "2022-12-22T21:54:06.684172+00:00" } } ] } }
Device specifications (please complete the following information, which can be found in log): Same device's id, like this: [2021-07-01 10:18:01,351] [tuya-openapi] Request: method = GET, url = https://openapi.tuyacn.com/v1.0/devices/aaaaaaaaaaa/specifications, params = None, body = None, headers = {'client_id': 'xxxxxxxxxxxx', 'sign': 'xxxxxxxxxxxx', 'sign_method': 'HMAC-SHA256', 'access_token': '213e2d4af5e8d217abc0b104462a9f72', 't': '1625105881351', 'lang': 'en'} 2021-07-01 10:18:01 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [tuya iot] Response: { "result": { "category": "cz", "functions": [ { "code": "countdown_1", "type": "Integer", "values": "{"unit":"s","min":0,"max":86400,"scale":0,"step":1}" }, { "code": "switch", "type": "Boolean", "values": "{}" } ], "status": [ { "code": "cur_voltage", "type": "Integer", "values": "{"unit":"V","min":0,"max":2500,"scale":0,"step":1}" }, { "code": "cur_current", "type": "Integer", "values": "{"unit":"mA","min":0,"max":30000,"scale":0,"step":1}" }, { "code": "switch", "type": "Boolean", "values": "{}" }, { "code": "cur_power", "type": "Integer", "values": "{"unit":"W","min":0,"max":50000,"scale":0,"step":1}" }, { "code": "countdown_1", "type": "Integer", "values": "{"unit":"s","min":0,"max":86400,"scale":0,"step":1}" } ] }, "success": true, "t": 1625105881348 }
Device specifications (please complete the following information, which can be found in log): Same device's id, like this: [2021-07-01 10:18:01,351] [tuya-openapi] Request: method = GET, url = https://openapi.tuyacn.com/v1.0/devices/aaaaaaaaaaa/specifications, params = None, body = None, headers = {'client_id': 'xxxxxxxxxxxx', 'sign': 'xxxxxxxxxxxx', 'sign_method': 'HMAC-SHA256', 'access_token': '213e2d4af5e8d217abc0b104462a9f72', 't': '1625105881351', 'lang': 'en'} 2021-07-01 10:18:01 DEBUG (SyncWorker_1) [tuya iot] Response: {
{ "result": [ { "code": "temp_current", "value": 240 }, { "code": "sensor_list", "value": "AQEBAQEBAA==" }, { "code": "ph_current", "value": 863 }, { "code": "ph_warn_max", "value": 0 }, { "code": "ph_warn_min", "value": 0 }, { "code": "temp_warn_max", "value": 315 }, { "code": "temp_warn_min", "value": -100 }, { "code": "tds_current", "value": 268 }, { "code": "tds_warn_max", "value": 0 }, { "code": "tds_warn_min", "value": 0 }, { "code": "ec_current", "value": 536 }, { "code": "ec_warn_max", "value": 0 }, { "code": "ec_warn_min", "value": 0 }, { "code": "salinity_current", "value": 312 }, { "code": "salinity_warn_max", "value": 0 }, { "code": "salinity_warn_min", "value": 0 }, { "code": "pro_current", "value": 984 }, { "code": "pro_warn_max", "value": 500 }, { "code": "pro_warn_min", "value": 500 }, { "code": "orp_current", "value": 0 }, { "code": "orp_warn_max", "value": -2000 }, { "code": "orp_warn_min", "value": -2000 } ], "success": true, "t": 1671743814900, "tid": "f5dbf708823d11edb95a32baeb959352" }
This would be an awesome enhancement.
Estou exatamente com o mesmo problema. comprei o modelo PH-W218 (8 in 1) e não estou conseguindo extrair os dados de PH e demais dados (apenas temperatura). e gostria muito de ajuda para integrar em meu HA.
Hello I m also interested in the feature, I try to look at the code to do de PR but not sure to understand. Maybe can someone point me a commit or help me 😀
I think we need to add it here and upvote it:
I am also interested in this device's support.
~~I'm trying to get this to work as well. If I have time I'll try and see what I can do in the next few weeks to add support if nobody beats me to it. ~~
Edit: my sensor completely broke so I ended up scrapping this idea. Sorry!
I'm interested in this too
mine's a "YINMIK Water Quality Tester" shown "unsupported" in HASSIO ... 😭 works well with SmartLife
I just bought the YY-9909. How to integrate it into HA? THANKS
Any updates? Have anyone manged to get it working?
+1 on this! Just got one of these and would love to integrate it
Hi any one manage to integrate it?
+1k on this! Just got one of these and would love to integrate it! just bought YINMIK Water Quality Tester with tuya integration
Same here with mine.... Please guys fix it!!
Please add to PH value...
@MoonshineSG why thunps down? What's your problem?
+1 to add support as that sensor is so awesome and would be great to use it in home assistant to automate pool and watertank
@MoonshineSG why thunps down? What's your problem?
FYI i fix it mine with LocalTuya and it works perfectly!
Please let me know how to
When i try to add it to local tuya it say no data point found …
It works with tuya local.
Tuya Local works for me too. YINMIK Water Quality Tester
"data": { "endpoint": "https://openapi.tuyaus.com", "auth_type": 0, "country_code": "1", "app_type": "tuyaSmart", "mqtt_connected": true, "disabled_by": null, "disabled_polling": false, "name": "YINMIK Water Quality Tester", "model": "WF-3188", "category": "szjcy", "product_id": "u5xgcpcngk3pfxb4", "product_name": "YINMIK Water Quality Tester", "online": true, "sub": false, "time_zone": "-04:00", "active_time": "2023-08-19T07:39:35+00:00", "create_time": "2023-08-19T07:39:35+00:00", "update_time": "2023-08-19T07:39:38+00:00", "function": {}, "status_range": { "tds_in": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "ppm", "min": 0, "max": 9999, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "temp_current": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "\u2103", "min": 0, "max": 800, "scale": 1, "step": 1 } }, "battery_percentage": { "type": "Integer", "value": { "unit": "%", "min": 0, "max": 100, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } } }, "status": { "tds_in": 0, "temp_current": 226, "battery_percentage": 1 }, "home_assistant": { "name": "YINMIK Water Quality Tester", "name_by_user": null, "disabled": false, "disabled_by": null, "entities": [ { "disabled": false, "disabled_by": null, "entity_category": null, "device_class": null, "original_device_class": "temperature", "icon": null, "original_icon": null, "unit_of_measurement": "\u00b0F", "state": { "entity_id": "sensor.yinmik_water_quality_tester_temperature", "state": "72.7", "attributes": { "state_class": "measurement", "unit_of_measurement": "\u00b0F", "device_class": "temperature", "friendly_name": "YINMIK Water Quality Tester Temperature" }, "last_changed": "2023-08-23T04:18:27.275691+00:00", "last_updated": "2023-08-23T04:18:27.275691+00:00" } } ] } } }
How did you get it working? Added it but cannot see tds, was able to find temp humidity, orp and ph sensors i had to manually add each sensor and to guess which id does what … looking at the web portal data point id 1 must be tds but does not pop up as others if i add it manually it shows as unavailable
For me I ran the tinytuya wizard (python -m tinytuya wizard). It does it's thing and (re)builds devices.json. I then go to HA tuya_local integration, click Add Device and fill in Device ID and Local Key from the devices.json. From there it just works, all sensors are discovered.
Here's what I get in devices.json from the wizard: `` { "name": "water 3", "id": "XXredacted", "key": "XXredacted", "mac": "a8:...:26:2e", "uuid": "1e1..627", "sn": "10..46", "category": "szjcy", "product_name": "YINMIK Water Quality Tester", "product_id": "u5xgcpcngk3pfxb4", "biz_type": 0, "model": "WF-3188", "sub": false, "icon": "https://images.tuyaus.com/smart/icon/bay164497620449560Pe/3c680798e8af1b8ed29218a14427936d.jpg", "mapping": { "1": { "code": "tds_in", "type": "Integer", "values": { "unit": "ppm", "min": 0, "max": 9999, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } }, "2": { "code": "temp_current", "type": "Integer", "values": { "unit": "\u00b0C", "min": 0, "max": 800, "scale": 1, "step": 1 } }, "7": { "code": "battery_percentage", "type": "Integer", "values": { "unit": "%", "min": 0, "max": 100, "scale": 0, "step": 1 } } }, "ip": "", "version": "3.3" },
how to configure this sensor so that it will show ec value and ph value...how to do it
That is very good. Would you share with us how you did it? Thank you very much