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Climate Sensor
Describe the bug The Device appears in Home Assistant but the sensors are unavailable.
Expected behavior The device is a Humidity and Temperature sensor. These values should be available in Home Assistant
Home Assistant Version 2021.11.2
Device info (please complete the following information, which can be found in log): like this: { "result": { "active_time": 1630539904, "category": "wsdcg", "category_name": "Temperature and Humidity Sensor", "create_time": 1629009586, "gateway_id": "", "icon": "smart/icon/ay1536534747810ekKBj/156584130076b224f5a50.png", "id": "bf1b0632122d408176sq0v", "ip": "", "lat": "lon": "model": "YIDONG", "name": "Climate Sensor Garage", "online": false, "owner_id": "product_id": "3ubxbto1", "product_name": "Climate Sensor", "sub": true, "time_zone": "update_time": 1635283580, "uuid": }, "success": true, "t": 1636725019612 }
Device specifications (please complete the following information, which can be found in log): Same device's id, like this:
Additional context Add any other context or logs about the problem here.
I have the same issue... still no update since November?
Same Issue, seems like it might have something to do with being offline? Any Updates would be good.
Yesterday, Home Assistant 2022.2 was released. Could you try upgrading to that version and see if the issue has been resolved?
If not, Home Assistant 2022.2 contains a new diagnostic tool. There is now a "Download Diagnostics" button on each Tuya device on the device page. Clicking that button will download diagnostics information for that specific device. Drag the downloaded file into this issue. It will help with finding out what the problem is.
Seeing this too - Updated to 2022.2 and exported the diagnostics. Interestingly the status shows the correct temp and humidity values, they're just not being correctly displayed via the entities:
"status": {
"va_humidity": 62,
"va_temperature": 68
@hollishassbox I cannot work with a diagnostics snippet, please provide the full diagnostics download.
@hollishassbox According to your diagnostic download, Tuya tells Home Assistant your device is offline:
"online": false,
Hence Home Assistant says its unavailable.
Is there anyway to override this “online” state? Because these sensors work by updating on a polling interval and thus most of the time will report as offline but the data should still be valid.
Hi @frenck
As @thelogicdump advises, these are offline because they're BLE devices that broadcast to a hub and go offline in between. I believe these update every 30 mins so could consider the update_time attribute returned
The device category (wsdcg) is explicitly listed on the supported category list so it would be good to get that updated (or classified for non-BLE only) if these will never work
I've since implemented a pile of Zigbee sensors so my requirement on this has dropped, I'm just aware how many of these would be floating around out there and it would be nice to be able to use these
Hi all, had there been any progress on this or is there a way to pull the information manually as you can see the actual values when doing diagnostics. Have got a number of these devices which I cant use in HA at present :(
Stopping in to add my desire for this device to be better supported. I stupidly bought one of these a couple of years ago and have been waiting for the day that it shows up as online in HA.
Just discovered this issue my self, hopefully I can link to my existing 8 sensors..