tuya-home-assistant copied to clipboard
Wifi Door Bell
Device normal info
- Brand
- Model When added the device on smartlife APP the new Tuya v2 didn't find it in the new devices meawwhile new the local tuya integration realized the IP of the new device but also didn't integrate.
Device info (please complete the following information, which can be found in log): like this: { "result": { "active_time": 1626868494, "biz_type": 18, "category": "sp", "create_time": 1626868494, "icon": "smart/icon/ay1541668973821t35pE/8e4440993e3b721f980d89e12906052d.jpg", "id": "bf5ac7d33e5a2c61c2wyks", "ip": "", "lat": "30.03578426411754", "local_key": "05081b83a4413e12", "lon": "31.51552972042754", "name": "WiFi Door Bell", "online": true, "owner_id": "27781434", "product_id": "ebc7wbagmxmwdxua", "product_name": "IPB192TG1", "status": [ { "code": "basic_flip", "value": false }, { "code": "basic_osd", "value": true }, { "code": "sd_storge", "value": "100|0|100" }, { "code": "sd_status", "value": 5 }, { "code": "sd_format", "value": false }, { "code": "movement_detect_pic", "value": "eyJidWNrZXQiOiJ0eS1ldS1zdG9yYWdlMzAiLCJmaWxlcyI6W1siLzNkM2U1MS0yNzc4MTQzNC15YmdkZWIzMDk0ZDU0NjliMTUxOC9kZXRlY3QvMTYyNjg2ODY3OC5qcGVnP3BhcmFtPVY3N1FIaktNRUlBQUZwNHJTaHBESXNTUGV2UUJBaDdDTHoyNHl2Uy9Lanc9IiwiIl1dLCJ2IjoiMy4wIn0=" }, { "code": "sd_format_state", "value": 0 }, { "code": "doorbell_active", "value": "" }, { "code": "wireless_electricity", "value": 100 }, { "code": "wireless_powermode", "value": "1" }, { "code": "wireless_lowpower", "value": 10 }, { "code": "wireless_awake", "value": false }, { "code": "pir_switch", "value": "2" }, { "code": "alarm_message", "value": "eyJmaWxlcyI6W3siZGF0YSI6ImQ0YThjNmM2YzZhY2JhMTBjYWZkZTU0NzAzM2EwNjUwZjI5MmRlNjJmMmMzODk1NDZmNDNiMDFiNjY5NzhlMGJjYjQ5NDViYWY2MmE0MzYxN2MyNzFmYmQ5MjFlZTI3OTZiNjI1MmUwNTQ3ODE4NTMyNjBmZTBjNDM1ZTZhZWI5YjM4MTU2YWExMTAxZjYzNGNlYTBmYmFkMzE4MGQwZWQ1YzgxMWY0MjIzNjBhZmFhYWE2ZDIyY2E3ZjNjMjZkNTk4NTMzYjFlZWJkZTM1MmM4ZGUyMGJkN2NhNjYyZGZjIiwia2V5SWQiOiJkZWZhdWx0IiwiaXYiOiIzNjRmZDU2ODE5OWNjYjY2NmUwNTgzODc5NzViZjZlZSJ9XSwiY21kIjoiaXBjX2Rvb3JiZWxsIiwidHlwZSI6ImltYWdlIn0=" }, { "code": "basic_anti_flicker", "value": "0" } ], "sub": false, "time_zone": "+02:00", "uid": "eu1616156182124EoieM", "update_time": 1626868881, "uuid": "ybgdeb3094d5469b1518" }, "success": true, "t": 1626869003283
@tsutsuku What does it mean New Driver, Can you please clarify? Is this gonna be supported or this is to be parked here for undefined time ?
It means this category is not supported now. Label a "new driver", so other developers can develop a driver for it in the future.
@tsutsuku How can I speed Up this Process, I'm need this integration ASAP. as I don't think it is so tough, just need status of the of door bell when it is pressed and motion detetection
Any Luck Here Also?
Would be good when this is ready
Looking for a tuya video doorbell driver.. Any news?
Maybe this would help: https://developer.tuya.com/en/docs/iot/rtsp?id=Kacsdjcqllyql
Perhaps it can be implemented in steps. For example, the doorbell button press can be provided as a simple sensor for now.