Thomas Deutsch

Results 26 comments of Thomas Deutsch

I recently stumbled upon this: not sure if this would be feasible for this purpose.

Understood. But an attacker would need your password anyway to login prior to being able to passwordless sudo. There would also be an option to use the SUDO_ASKPASS together with...

You could do this with a multi stage Dockerfile: FROM golang:alpine AS builder LABEL stage=builder WORKDIR /workspace COPY . . RUN go build -o /bin/podsync ./cmd/podsync FROM alpine:3.10 WORKDIR /app/...

Find my (above explained) stuff in a bit changed way here: This is what I use currently till we get the official ARM Image :-D

@mxpv I have no idea about goreleaser but saw this here and thought about a pull request: However, this would end up in different tags for the different archs....

Just another longterm open Rancher issue without the people at SUSE looking at it, it seems. Made this experience often already. And unfortunately, once again it is something important which...

I did: ``` dev@alpine-pkgdev: ~$ cd test/ dev@alpine-pkgdev: ~/test$ git clone Cloning into 'lazygit'... remote: Enumerating objects: 79, done. remote: Counting objects: 100% (79/79), done. remote: Compressing objects: 100%...

@jesseduffield looks good for me now: ``` dev@alpine-pkgdev: ~/test/lazygit$ go build dev@alpine-pkgdev: ~/test/lazygit$ go test ./... ? [no test files] ok 0.008s ok 0.540s ? [no...

@jesseduffield sorry for the delay. I tried it with 0.23.2: ``` 71 >>> lazygit: Unpacking /var/cache/distfiles/lazygit-0.23.2.tar.gz... 72 ? [no test files] 73 ok 0.010s 74 ok 0.124s...

@jesseduffield I tried again with 0.23.6 and a newer go version (I forgot the go-problem from further above). And last, but not least, locally and not on their build sytem:...