EarbudSwitch copied to clipboard
Great idea! However since the repo is inactive, here's my (limited) workaround at the moment.
My method only works between a PC and an Android. It does not support multiple mobile devices.
Essentially it is a script run on a PC that can kick off the earbuds from phone and connect them to PC and vice versa.
I use Tasker and Join on Android and BluetoothConnector on my MacBook.
Here's what my script looks like...
mac () {
echo 'Kicking off phone'
http -q --proxy https:socks5:// 'https://joinjoaomgcd.appspot.com/_ah/api/messaging/v1/sendPush?apikey=?????????????????&deviceNames=???????&text=disconnect%20wi-1000xm2'
# echo 'Conneting to mac'
BluetoothConnector --connect FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF --notify
phone () {
# echo 'Kicking off mac'
BluetoothConnector --disconnect FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF --notify
echo 'Connecting to phone'
http -q --proxy https:socks5:// 'https://joinjoaomgcd.appspot.com/_ah/api/messaging/v1/sendPush?apikey=?????????????&deviceNames=???????&text=connect%20wi-1000xm2'
[ $1 == '--mac' ] && mac
[ $1 == '--phone' ] && phone
And I set up my Tasker like so.
A bit hacky but at least it works.
Hey, great contribution!!! I want a utility where I can toggle my Bluetooth earbuds connection. Let's say, when I am watching YouTube it should be using a PC<--> earbuds connection, and when I get a call on my phone, I should be able to toggle the connection to Phone <--> earbuds. does your script help in doing that? How can I set up your script so that whenever I run it, It performs the switch effortlessly?