Mika Tuupola
Mika Tuupola
You can change the behaviour to your liking in the [middleware config](https://github.com/tuupola/slim-api-skeleton/blob/master/config/middleware.php#L44-L59). See also the [middleware documentation](https://github.com/tuupola/slim-jwt-auth).
Reading the [docs](https://secure.php.net/manual/en/mysqlinfo.concepts.buffering.php) suggest the following: > This means that query results are immediately transferred from the MySQL Server to PHP and then are kept in the memory of the...
If comma separated authorization is allowed by RFC I agree it should be fixed. If not I think it is not this middlewares responsibility to fix broken requests. Need to...
Apparently also author of the spec says [it is not valid to specify multiple Authorization fields](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29282578/multiple-http-authorization-headers/29288935#29288935). _"You can only use multiple header fields when they are defined using list syntax."_...
It seems to be an issue with `slim/psr-7`. In the meanwhile possible workaround is: ``` $ composer remove slim/psr7 $ composer require nyholm/psr7 $ composer require nyholm/psr7-server ```
I do not think this middleware should have responsibility of to conditionally authenticate if token exists and allow unauthenticated access if token does not exist. I also think this feature...
Sorry it took a while. You already did the correct fix which is to code again `ResponseInterface` and not a concrete implementation. Also I think no package should force install...
Changed timezones, now I should be available again. I thought about this for a bit. While technically you are technically correct I think the speed penalty is so small it...
Yeah, could also just remove the old Diactoros from `composer.json`. It is not really needed anymore.
You could remove `/publicinfo` from `ignore` and use [northwoods/conditional-middleware](https://github.com/northwoods/conditional-middleware) to execute [tuupola/slim-jwt-auth](https://github.com/tuupola/slim-jwt-auth) middleware only if request has a token.