Miklós Tóth
Miklós Tóth
- [ ] register TextExtractors in DI - [ ] merge this with `Indexing` settings that come from the repository
Register ISnService types in DI instead of loading them automatically. We still have to `Startup` and `Shutdown` registered services during repo start and shutdown.
Sending a content save `PATCH` OData request causes the following error _in some cases_. ``` ---- Inner Exception: InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int32[]' to type 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[System.Int32]'. at...
I as an sn admin want to see an overview of the dashboards of multiple snaas repositories. - list of `dashboard cards` on one page - sort by: registration date...
When something happens on the server, users with active clients (web browsers or mobile apps) may want to be notified immediately. Client apps may use these notifications to update the...
In the default installation the following permissions should be set: - [x] Visitor user, See permission for itself - [ ] Login?
Install snaas repositories on a single SQL server instead of a dedicated SQL instance.
We have to find a way for our clients to **install sensenet locally (on premise**). The best way is to **publish docker images**. - which images should be public or...