Miklós Tóth
Miklós Tóth
- [x] FAQ (1 of 4 articles is written: fill or delete) - [x] integration (merged) - [ ] updates? - [x] coming soon articles - [x] use cases
Review docs articles and check all the links pointing to other articles. - Fix broken links - Add links to other related articles where necessary. Currently there are too few...
Update docs site architecture and design to reflect the new product concept and capabilities. See connected issues for more details.
- Merge the docs currently placed into three separate silos (Concepts, Tutorials, api docs) into a single, browsable tree to be more **user friendly**. - update main docs dashboard to...
Go through the screenshots and check if we need an update: - light/dark theme? - what tech should we use for moving images? gif/video/etc?
Let readers **ask for a tutorial** they could not find on the docs site. This should be a small **button/icon/sign** (choose whichever fits best the UX goals) on the docs...
Headless CMS --> Enterprise CSP - stacko - ?
Replace the definition "headless cms" with Enterprise CSP. Use the form and length that best fits the environment: - CSP - (Enterprise) Content Services Platform - (Enterprise) CSP
Get familiar with the technology and the possibilities, e.g. how the menu works, how do we change the structure.