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Allow importing CSV files into existing DB
Currently, we don't support .import
statements. So, to import CSV we have to do a workaround:
- Create a temporary DB and import CSV
- Export the db dump
- Import that using shell:
$ turso db shell funky-falcon < my-csv-table.sql
Hi, thank you very much for providing this workaround.
I used the command turso db shell funky-falcon < my-csv-table.sql
to import a 50MB SQL file, but it resulted in a "Transaction timed out" error.
So what is the timeout limit for this type of import operation?
Hi, thank you very much for providing this workaround. I used the command
turso db shell funky-falcon < my-csv-table.sql
to import a 50MB SQL file, but it resulted in a "Transaction timed out" error. So what is the timeout limit for this type of import operation?
@savokiss Faced the same issue. This is a python script we had to hack together in order to get a bulk import of a csv of similar scale to work with our turso DB.
# Usage: TURSO_DB_URL=“<libsql://…>” TURSO_DB_TOKEN=“<some-jwt>” python this-script.py <path-to-csv>.csv
import libsql_experimental as libsql # pip install libsql_experimental
import os
import sys
url = os.getenv("TURSO_DB_URL")
auth_token = os.getenv("TURSO_DB_TOKEN")
path = sys.argv[1]
def to_rowstr(entries):
in_parens = ", ".join([f"'{col}'" for col in entries])
return f"({in_parens}),\n"
s = "INSERT INTO users (id, created_at, code) VALUES\n"
with open(path) as csvfile:
rdr = csv.reader(csvfile)
# maybe header row
first = next(rdr)
if first[0].find("id") == -1:
s += to_rowstr(first)
for row in rdr:
s += to_rowstr(row)
# replace last ',' with ';'
last_i = s.rfind(",")
s = s[:last_i] + ";"
conn = libsql.connect(database=url, auth_token=auth_token)
@billythedummy Thanks you very much. I have used the similar workaround in Node.js.
I use readline
to read the SQL file, and then execute each line in it.
A possibly more efficient workaround would be:
- Create a new DB using
turso db create temp-db --from-csv
- Allow the new DB to be attached
turso db config attach allow temp-db
- Connect to the DB where you want to load the data with attach permission to the temp db
turso db shell --attach temp-db <target db>
- Attach the db
ATTACH "temp-db" as tmp;
- Migrate the data
CREATE TABLE new_table AS SELECT * FROM tmp.table
- Delete the temp DB
turso db destroy temp-db