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Sample: https://github.com/turingaicloud/quickstart/tree/master/example/PyTorch Error message: `Failed to run cmd " /mnt/home/my-name/.Miniconda3/bin/conda env create -f /mnt/home/my-name/WORKDIR/PyTorch/configurations/conda.yaml -n torch-env` ``` # tcloud submit Start parsing tuxiv.conf... sending incremental file list PyTorch/ PyTorch/run.sh 192...
## Problem Description I am trying to run multi-node distributed training with pytorch. More specifically, I am using `torchrun` as distributed launcher, with `deepspeed`. The code works fine with single-node,...
Hi, I would like to compile a code in the format of cuda by make, and run it. But I do not know how to do that through tcloud. In...
Hi, I have uploaded some files to my USERDIR. But I do not know how to delete them through tcloud command. There seems no commands to do that. Could you...
Hi! Seems TACC is a platform providing free GPU resources...? Any limitations? Such as the disk size or GPU running time? Thanks!
Hi there, how do we check which public key and update the publickey for logging into TACC?
Issue: Even when a user has only requested 1 cpu or 1 gpu and more resources are available, other users can't apply to the same node. Reproduce: In tuxiv.conf: ```...