Leaflet.Photo copied to clipboard
Plugin to show geotagged photos on a Leaflet map.
I get the map visible and everything but not the photolayer and any of the pics, Can anyone help me see what I'm doing wrong? ` var mbAttr = 'Map...
hi, a super simple question - Say if I have the images on one of my server instead of Picasa or Google+, which of the examples should I follow(there are...
Hello, Great program. Thanks. Is there a version of this app that works with the latest 1.3.1 version of Leaflet.js? Thanks,
Dear all, thanks for that usefull plugin! However, I have a problem. As soon as I try to integrate Leaflet.Photo with a mapbox map, neither my map nor my photos...
I had better luck making the ajax request with JQuery instead of reqwest. I was originally having the same errors on a separate project that I was working on and...
This should be specified to prevent the confliction with bootstrap's scaffolding.less which makes border-box as the default for box-sizing. Also added a single quote around the url.
Hi! I wanted the images in a markercluster to display as "stacks" of rotated thumbnails, so made an attempt at that here.
Can you please register with bower?
I'd like to bind left/right arrow key presses to functions which move to previous/next photos on a map. Currently, browsing through all the photos on a map is a little...