Dave Kale
Dave Kale
@agibsonccc are you referring to the setting where each example can have multiple binary labels (as implied by sigmoid output + cross entropy)? If so, I believe this issue should...
I think this is done, right @Harhro94?
Right, I'll take a look this week.
Hey @Saqibm128 we have no immediate plans to do this ourselves: expanding coverage of variables, incorporating medications and treatments, and adding additional prediction tasks, e.g., sepsis, are higher priorities. Also,...
You mean from the original MIMIC-III CSVs? If so, yes.
@Saqibm128 it looks like pandas has support for reading the results of a SQL query into a DataFrame, so that should be doable: http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/version/0.20/generated/pandas.read_sql.html. That said, we don't have the...
Related to PR currently under review: https://github.com/YerevaNN/mimic3-benchmarks/pull/22
We should make this merge now that the 1.0 release is done. @Harhro94
Should we close this?
@alistairewj sweet. We're working on our "1.0" release to coincide with a journal submission, so we should be ready to contribute within a few weeks at the latest.