polymer-redux copied to clipboard
dom-repeat not re-rendering after updating state
First of all, thanks for this great mixin! I'm currently trying to loop over some items in my Redux Store. The dom-repeat is bound to the routes
property like this (I know I can also use static binding, but this way I'm able to console.log
the state change). After each update it fires the console.log
in the statePath(state) function - with the correct data. However my dom-repeat
doesn't update the view.
I can see [[item.properties.name]]
, I can't see [[item.properties.totalRouteDistance]]
, [[item.properties.distance]]
while they are in the console.log
<template is="dom-repeat" items="{{routes}}">
<div class="filter-row routes-filter">
<paper-checkbox noink on-checked-changed="_filterClicked" checked="{{item.properties.checked}}"></paper-checkbox>
<div class="filter-row__meta">
<span class="title">[[item.properties.name]]</span>
<span class="subtitle">[[item.properties.distance]]km verderop <br />
[[item.properties.totalRouteDistance]]km totale afstand
<iron-icon icon="icons:visibility" on-tap="_flyToRoute"></iron-icon>
console.log("Routes updated!");
routes: this.routes
Properties in my element
static get properties() {
return {
routes: {
type: Array,
statePath(state) {
console.log(state.routes) //just for debug purposes
return state.routes
I also have set up a deep observer to see if the property gets updated. It fires the console.log
in the statePath change (see code above) but it DOESN'T fire the deep observer _routesChanged
static get observers() {
return [
_routesChanged(data) {
Calling the reducer:
console.log("Routes updated!");
routes: this.routes
Updating routes reducer:
return Object.assign({}, state, {
routes: action.routes
Wat could be the solution?
This workaround will fix it.
In your template
<template is="dom-repeat" items="[[_computeRoutes(routes)]]">
In template class
_computeRoutes(routes) {
if (routes && routes.length > 0) return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(routes));