T. Hopia

Results 24 comments of T. Hopia

After taking a look at the `react-swipeable-views` source, I think this may be related to how `updateHeight()` is called. For example, here it is called when the user swipes to...

Maybe it would make sense to check `children` in `componentWillReceiveProps` or `componentDidUpdate` and then update the height of the view there with `updateHeight()` ?

I've opened a PR to fix this [here](https://github.com/oliviertassinari/react-swipeable-views/pull/536).

Not that I know anything about this topic, but aren't `ByteString`s already strict (because of performance) by nature? I was thinking that since at least for me most of the...

Looks like query rendering perf is definitely not an easy problem to sort out: https://github.com/tomjaguarpaw/haskell-opaleye/issues/435 I don't know if I'm able to help - I'm fairly novice at Haskell &...

@echatav I put in some more effort trying to benchmark real queries against DB. I feel I'm almost there, but there is some issue with connection pooling. Any chance you...

@echatav actually, never mind, I think it worked but just tripped on the random data generation violating constraints in the DB. I'll try to get it to a mergeable condition...

Once we agree that the benchmarks in place are reflective enough to work against, I suggest we start off experimenting by inlining most/all `RenderSQL` instances, at least where it makes...

I've only been trying to read the call stack from `.prof` after profiling, but that seems to have so much noise it's hard to get to the bottom of it...

Yes, that was precisely my point, I wouldn't think it's possible to `INLINE` while having that same function as a Cost Center, the compiler/runtime would have no way of flagging...