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codewars | 没事儿刷刷题








  1. (6kyu) Unique In Order
  2. (7kyu) Get the Middle Character
  3. (7kyu) Descending Order
  4. (6kyu) Sum of Digits / Digital Root
  5. (6kyu) Which are in?
  6. (6kyu) IQ Test
  7. (6kyu) Take a Ten Minute Walk
  8. (6kyu) Are they the "same"?
  9. (6kyu) Good vs Evil
  10. (6kyu) Scramblies
  11. (6kyu) Find the odd int
  12. (4kyu) Next bigger number with the same digits
  13. (4kyu) Twice linear
  14. (8kyu) Opposite number
  15. (8kyu) String repeat
  16. (8kyu) Sum without highest and lowest number
  17. (8kyu) Remove First and Last Character
  18. (8kyu) Sum of positive
  19. (8kyu) Return Negative
  20. (7kyu) Mumbling
  21. (7kyu) Vowel Count
  22. (7kyu) Highest and Lowest
  23. (7kyu) Complementary DNA
  24. (7kyu) Jaden Casing Strings
  25. (8kyu) Even or Odd
  26. (5kyu) Human Readable Time
  27. (6kyu) Multiples of 3 or 5
  28. (6kyu) Decode the Morse code
  29. (6kyu) Persistent Bugger
  30. (6kyu) Equal Sides Of An Array
  31. (6kyu) Playing with digits
  32. (6kyu) Find The Parity Outlier
  33. (6kyu) Stop gninnipS My sdroW!
  34. (6kyu) Your order, please
  35. (6kyu) Tribonacci Sequence
  36. (6kyu) Dubstep
  37. (5kyu) Directions Reduction
  38. (5kyu) Sum of Pairs
  39. (7kyu) Shortest Word
  40. (5kyu) Calculating with Functions
  41. (5kyu) A Chain adding function
  42. (5kyu) Weight for weight
  43. (5kyu) Valid Parentheses
  44. (7kyu) You're a square!
  45. (8kyu) Number of People in the Bus
  46. (7kyu) Exes and Ohs
  47. (5kyu) Maximum subarray sum
  48. (8kyu) Will you make it
  49. (5kyu) Simple Pig Latin
  50. (7kyu) Disemvowel Trolls
  51. (7kyu) Square Every Digit
  52. (6kyu) Who likes it?
  53. (6kyu) Bit Counting
  54. (8kyu) Convert number to reversed array of digits
  55. (5kyu) Convert string to camel case
  56. (5kyu) Moving Zeros To The End
  57. (5kyu) Largest 5 digit number in a series
  58. (6kyu) Array.diff
  59. (6kyu) Create Phone Number
  60. (4kyu) Valid Braces
  61. (6kyu) Counting Duplicates
  62. (6kyu) Find the divisors!
  63. (6kyu) Duplicate Encoder
  64. (6kyu) Format a string of names like 'Bart, Lisa & Maggie'.
  65. (6kyu) Replace With Alphabet Position
  66. (6kyu) Is a number prime?
  67. (6kyu) Build a pile of Cubes
  68. (5kyu) Where my anagrams at?
  69. (5kyu) RGB To Hex Conversion
  70. (3kyu) Hard Time Bomb
  71. (6kyu) Does my number look big in this?
  72. (6kyu) Consecutive strings
  73. (7kyu) Palindrome chain length
  74. (5kyu) Pete, the baker
  75. (5kyu) Rot13
  76. (5kyu) Product of consecutive Fib numbers
  77. (6kyu) Number Format
  78. (6kyu) Vasya - Clerk
  79. (6kyu) Find the missing letter
  80. (5kyu) Can you get the loop ?
  81. (5kyu) PaginationHelper
  82. (6kyu) Delete occurrences of an element if it occurs more than n times
  83. (6kyu) Title Case
  84. (6kyu) First non-repeating character
  85. (6kyu) Build Tower
  86. (6kyu) WeIrD StRiNg CaSe
  87. (6kyu) Split Strings

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