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Experimental declaratively transparent kotlin multiplatform paging library


JVM Tests Tiler

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Please note, this is not an official Google repository. It is a Kotlin multiplatform experiment that makes no guarantees about API stability or long term support. None of the works presented here are production tested, and should not be taken as anything more than its face value.


Tiling is a kotlin multiplatform experiment for loading chunks of structured data from reactive sources.

Tiling is achieved with a Tiler; a pure function that has the ability to adapt any generic method of the form:

fun <T> items(query: Query): Flow<T>

into a paginated API.

It does this by exposing a functional reactive API most similar to a Map where:

  • The keys are the queries (Query) for data

  • The values are dynamic sets of data returned over time as the result of the Query key.

    typealias type Output
    ListTiler<Query, Item> (Flow<Tile.Input.List<Query, Item>>) -> Flow<List<Item>> A flattened List
    MapTiler<Query, Item> (Flow<Tile.Input.Map<Query, Item>>) -> Flow<Map<Query, Item>> Map<Key, Value>

Get it

Tiler is available on mavenCentral with the latest version indicated by the badge at the top of this readme file.

implementation com.tunjid.tiler:tiler:version


The demo app is cheekily implemented as a grid of tiles with dynamic colors:

Demo image

Use cases

As tiling is a pure function that operates on a reactive stream, its configuration can be changed on the fly. This lends it well to the following situations:

  • Adaptive pagination: The amount of items paginated through can be adjusted dynamically to account for app window resizing by turning on more pages and increasing the limit of data sent to the UI from the paginated data available. An example is in the Me app.

  • Dynamic sort order: The sort order of paginated items can be changed cheaply on a whim by changing the order as this only operates on the data output from the tiler, and not the entire paginated data set. An example is in the sample in this repository.

API surface

Getting your data

Tiling prioritizes access to the data you've paged through, allowing you to read all paginated data at once, or a subset of it (using Input.Limiter). This allows you to trivially transform the data you've fetched after the fact.

Tilers are implemented as plain functions. Given a Flow of Input, you can either choose to get your data as:

  • A Flow<List<Item>> with tiledList
  • A Flow<Map<Query, Item>> with tiledMap

The choice between the two depends largely on the operations you want to perform on the output before consuming it. A MapTiler could be used when you want a clear separation of the chunks of data, for example to add headers or to group information in a single component. Alternatively, you can use a ListTiler and call List<Item>.groupBy {...} if you find that more ergonomic. The Map<Query, Item> in the Flow produced from the MapTiler is guaranteed to have a stable iteration order defined by the Input.Order passed to it. More on this below.

Managing requested data

Much like a classic Map that supports update and remove methods, a Tiler offers analogous operations in the form of Inputs.


  • On: Analogous to put for a Map, this starts collecting from the backing Flow for the specified query. It is idempotent; multiple requests have no side effects for loading, i.e the same Flow will not be collect twice.

  • Off: Stops collecting from the backing Flow for the specified query. The items previously fetched by this query are still kept in memory and will be in the List of items returned. Requesting this is idempotent; multiple requests have no side effects.

  • Evict: Analogous to remove for a Map, this stops collecting from the backing Flow for the specified query and also evicts the items previously fetched by the query from memory. Requesting this is idempotent; multiple requests have no side effects.


Can be used to select a subset of items tiled instead of the entire paginated set. For example, assuming 1000 items have been fetched, there's no need to send a 1000 items to the UI for diffing/display when the UI can only show about 30 at once. The Limiter allows for selecting an arbitrary amount of items as the situation demands.


Defines the heuristic for selecting tiled items into the output container.

  • Unspecified: Items will be returned in an undefined order. This is the default.

  • Sorted: Sort items with a specified query comparator.

  • PivotSorted: Sort items with the specified comparator but pivoted around the last query a Tile.Request.On was sent for. This allows for showing items that have more priority over others in the current context for example in a list being scrolled. In other words assume tiles have been fetched for queries 1 - 10 but a user can see pages 5 and 6. The UI need only to be aware of pages 4, 5, 6, and 7. This allows for a rolling window of queries based on a user's scroll position.

  • Custom: Flattens tiled items produced whichever way you desire.


Simple, non scaling example

In this example, the code will return a full list of every item requested sorted in ascending order of the pages.

The list will grow indefinitely as more pages are requested unless queries are evicted. This may be fine for small lists, but as the list size grows, some items may need to be evicted as only a small subset of items need to be presented to the UI. This sort of behavior can be achieved using the Evict Request, and the PivotSorted Order covered next.

import Tile
import tiledList
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flowOf
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.map

class NumberFetcher {
  private val requests = MutableStateFlow(0)

  private val tiledList: (Flow<Tile.Input.List<Int, List<Int>>>) -> Flow<List<List<Int>>> = tiledList(
    // Sort items in ascending order
    order = Tile.Order.Sorted(comparator = Int::compareTo),
    fetcher = { page ->
      // Fetch 50 numbers for each page
      val start = page * 50
      val numbers = start.until(start + 50)

  // All paginated items in a single list
  val listItems: Flow<List<Int>> = tiledList.invoke(
    requests.map { Tile.Request.On(it) }

  fun fetchPage(page: Int) {
    requests.value = page

Advanced, scalable solution

To deal with the issue of the tiled data set becoming arbitrarily large, one can create a pipeline where the pages loaded are defined as a function of the page the user is currently at:

[out of bounds]                                  -> Evict from memory
[currentPage - n - 1 - n]                  |
...                                        | -> Keep pages in memory, but don't observe
[currentPage - n - 1]          _          _|                        
[currentPage - n]               |
...                             |
[currentPage - 1]               |
[currentPage]                   |  -> Observe pages     
[currentPage + 1]               |
...                             |
[currentPage + n]              _|         _
[currentPage + n + 1]                      |
...                                        | -> Keep pages in memory, but don't observe
[currentPage + n + 1 + n]                 _|

[out of bounds]                                  -> Evict from memory

Where n is an arbitrary number that may be defined by how many items are visible on the screen at once.

For an example where n is a function of grid size in a grid list, check out ArchiveLoading.kt in the me project.

An example where n is fixed at 2 follows:

import Tile
import tiledList
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.MutableStateFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.asFlow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.distinctUntilChanged
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flatMapLatest
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.flowOf
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.map
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.scan

data class LoadMetadata(
  val pivotPage: Int = 0,
  // Pages actively being collected and loaded from
  val on: List<Int> = listOf(),
  // Pages whose emissions are in memory, but are not being collected from
  val off: List<Int> = listOf(),
  // Pages to remove from memory
  val evict: List<Int> = listOf(),

private fun LoadMetadata.toRequests(): Flow<Tile.Input.List<Int, List<Int>>> =
  listOf<List<Tile.Input.List<Int, List<Int>>>>(
    evict.map { Tile.Request.Evict(it) },
    off.map { Tile.Request.Off(it) },
    on.map { Tile.Request.On(it) },

class ManagedNumberFetcher {
  private val requests = MutableStateFlow(0)

  val managedRequests: Flow<Tile.Input.List<Int, List<Int>>> = requests
    .scan(LoadMetadata()) { previousMetadata, currentPage ->
      // Load 5 pages pivoted around the current page at once
      val on: List<Int> = ((currentPage - 2)..(currentPage + 2))
        .filter { it >= 0 }
      // Keep 2 pages on either end of the active pages in memory
      val off: List<Int> = (((currentPage - 5)..(currentPage - 3)) + ((currentPage + 3)..(currentPage + 5)))
        .filter { it >= 0 }
        on = on,
        off = off,
        pivotPage = currentPage,
        // Evict everything not in the curren active and inactive range
        evict = (previousMetadata.on + previousMetadata.off) - (on + off).toSet()

  private val tiledList: (Flow<Tile.Input.List<Int, List<Int>>>) -> Flow<List<List<Int>>> = tiledList(
    // Sort items in ascending order, pivoted around the current page
    order = Tile.Order.PivotSorted(comparator = Int::compareTo),
    // Output at most 200 items at once to allow for cheap data transformations regardless of paged dataset size
    limiter = Tile.Limiter.List { it.size > 200 },
    fetcher = { page ->
      // Fetch 50 numbers for each page
      val start = page * 50
      val numbers = start.until(start + 50)

  val listItems: Flow<List<Int>> = tiledList.invoke(managedRequests)

  fun setCurrentPage(page: Int) {
    requests.value = page

In the above, only flows for 5 pages are collected at any one time. 4 more pages are kept in memory for quick resumption, and the rest are evicted from memory. As the user scrolls, setCurrentPage is called, and data is fetched for that page, and the surrounding pages. Pages that are far away from the current page (more than 4 pages away) are removed from memory.

Efficiency & performance

As tiling loads from multiple flows simultaneously, performance is a function of 2 things:

  • How often the backing Flow for each Input.Request emits
  • The time and space complexity of the transformations applied to the output List<Item> or Map<Query, Item>.

In the case of a former, the Flow should only emit if the backing dataset has actually changed. This prevents unneccessary emissions downstream.

In the case of the latter, by using Input.Limiter on the output of the tiler, you can guarantee transformations on the output are a function O(N), where N is the amount defined by the Input.Limiter.

For example if tiling is done for the UI, with a viewport that can display 20 items at once, 20 items can be fetched per page, and 100 (20 * 5) pages can be observed at concurrently. Using Input.Limiter.List { it.size > 100 }, only 100 items will be sent to the UI at once. The items can be transformed with algorithms of O(N) to O(N^2) time and space complexity trivially as regardless of the size of the actual paginated set, only 100 items will be transformed at any one time.


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