Tung Lin
Tung Lin
Finding guides information: - https://github.com/orgs/hackforla/projects/3 - https://github.com/hackforla/product-management/issues/128 - Or track down last changes of those .yml files.
Here are the guides that need to be checked/clarified. 2FA: source? HfLA or Other (GitHub) [Creating Kanban projects](https://github.com/hackforla/engineering/issues/15) - "Create a Guide/Template: Agile Development/Scrum/Kanban" VS Using Kanban project (https://github.com/hackforla/knowledgebase-content/issues/16) [Figma...
Also, figure out svg vs link-svg. link-svg is the bottom right icon for external resources. Action items: - deleted link-svg from toolkitresources.yml - every external resource will have the same...
New Wiki Template page can be found here: https://github.com/hackforla/website/wiki/Toolkit-files-template
All changes are done. One little blocker: I've changed the code so the practice area also filters for External Resources. However, the External Resource cards are in a special container...
Removed container (external-resource-container) that shifted External Resources to the left. According to PR #1999, the container was created to match the design in Figma. When I checked Figma, that design...
Add resource-url-completed: resource-url-wip: resource-url-depreciated: resource-url-wip link at "work in progress" if status is work-in-progress. Other details will be settled at Friday's guide meeting (8/12/2022)
Revert changes with description and short-description in each guide file. The variable description is currently being used on the actually guide page, but the new system will have it all...
On the current Toolkit page, the titles of completed vs in progress guide cards are not aligned.
Availability: 9/23, 9/24-25 after 6pm, various times next week ETA: end of 9/30