Barry Pollard

Results 433 comments of Barry Pollard

I would love to get rid of the PDFs from this repo. They are massive, and only increase with every release where we generate the PDFs (and we generate ALL...

Oh that's a bit annoying that we have to do step 5 :-( I presume this will keep all the git history apart from the PDFs?

@max-ostapenko I was going through the steps in but after doing the `git filter-repo` it seems to have removed the remote repo: ``` (.venv) 15:54:14 ~/sources/tunetheweb/ main $ git...

OK that's done now. It also seems to have pushed the other branches. Do we need to do the "[Contact GitHub]( to remove cache" step? Or will the cache be...

Supper quick now. Completes in about a minute. The testing of the website still takes time as we lint all the generated HTML and run Lighthouse, but still under 10mins....

Edge is Chromium-based so has full support of all the metrics. Firefox does not currently support LCP nor CLS.

This is not possible until Firefox implements the underlying APIs necessary. Best you can do for now is measure in Chromium-based browsers and hope it’s somewhat representative for Firefox users.

As per the README you should be importing it like this: ```js import {onCLS } from 'web-vitals/attribution'; const sendCLSMetrics = (attribution) => { console.log(attribution) } ``

I believe this has been fixed in latest main.