Barry Pollard

Results 433 comments of Barry Pollard

> I never see any quote appearing in the column name. This risk is negligible. Some dialects use quotes if you want a column name to be case sensitive (e.g....

Maybe what you’re looking for is a new rule “disallow quoted column names” as they are bad practice and could also be an incorrect use when they intended to use...

I think this is going to be a tough one to fix. The way the parser works has the delimiter hardcoded at present and not sure how easy that would...

This should be as simple as overriding `JoinKeywordsGrammar` in `` and adding a test case as detailed in [Contributing Dialect Changes wiki]( if anyone fancies a stab at this. The...

Can copy the `QualifyClauseSegment` from a few other dialects that support this. Maybe we should add to ANSI dialect since it's common to quite a few dialects?

Best practice would surely be to separate the files into different folders?: - `sql/postgres/` - `sql/bigquery/` Within eaxch folder you could have a `.sqlfluff` file that sets the dialect and,...

> Plus, then we would need to copy paste the .sqlfluff configuration file into each folder instead of defining it for an entire project. That's not true. Maybe my comment...

Can you explain more about what this means? Is it just adding the extension of is there different (or extra?) syntax for these? What SQL dialect is this for?

OK will mark it as a whole new dialect then. Would be great if someone with understanding of this could take on this work as think it's unlikely any of...

Should be easy enough for someone to override `class TableConstraintSegment` in sqlite dialect and add this as detailed in