react-leaflet-search copied to clipboard
export 'MapControl' (imported as 'MapControl') was not found in 'react-leaflet' && export 'withLeaflet' (imported as 'withLeaflet') was not found in 'react-leaflet'
Compiled with problems:
ERROR in ./node_modules/react-leaflet-search/lib/ReactLeafletSearch.js 7:48-58
export 'MapControl' (imported as 'MapControl') was not found in 'react-leaflet' (possible exports: AttributionControl, Circle, CircleMarker, FeatureGroup, GeoJSON, ImageOverlay, LayerGroup, LayersControl, MapContainer, Marker, Pane, Polygon, Polyline, Popup, Rectangle, SVGOverlay, ScaleControl, TileLayer, Tooltip, VideoOverlay, WMSTileLayer, ZoomControl, useMap, useMapEvent, useMapEvents)
"react-leaflet": "^4.0.2", "react-leaflet-search": "^2.0.1",