react-leaflet-search copied to clipboard
React Leaflet V3
Uncaught TypeError: Class extends value undefined is not a constructor or null at Module../node_modules/react-leaflet-search/lib/ReactLeafletSearch.js
Any news about V3 integration?
'MapControl' is not exported from 'react-leaflet'.
I started looking into this, but it's not as trivial as I first thought.
It looks like the new way of doing things is that react-leaflet-search needs to be a Child component. Child components can only be used as descendants of a MapContainer component. As-in, a descendant in HTML tag terms, not inheritance.
So, one could inherit from a Component rather than a MapControl. But then you need to get access to the Leaflet map object, which seems to be via a useRef hook ( unless there's another way. You'd also need to reimplement the (small amount of) location logic in the original MapControl class.
There's likely a bit more to it than that, so I'm parking this for my use-case for now, as I've ended up six levels deep trying to fix a different issue...
thanks @pranav-ted
thanks @pranav-ted
It does not include all the options we have here and it also is weak on types.
Any progress on this?
export 'MapControl' (imported as 'MapControl') was not found in 'react-leaflet' (possible exports: AttributionControl, Circle, CircleMarker, FeatureGroup, GeoJSON, ImageOverlay, LayerGroup, LayersControl, MapContainer, Marker, Pane, Polygon, Polyline, Popup, Rectangle, SVGOverlay, ScaleControl, TileLayer, Tooltip, VideoOverlay, WMSTileLayer, ZoomControl, useMap, useMapEvent, useMapEvents)
ERROR in ./node_modules/react-leaflet-search/lib/Search-v2.js 3:15-26
export 'withLeaflet' (imported as 'withLeaflet') was not found in 'react-leaflet' (possible exports: AttributionControl, Circle, CircleMarker, FeatureGroup, GeoJSON, ImageOverlay, LayerGroup, LayersControl, MapContainer, Marker, Pane, Polygon, Polyline, Popup, Rectangle, SVGOverlay, ScaleControl, TileLayer, Tooltip, VideoOverlay, WMSTileLayer, ZoomControl, useMap, useMapEvent, useMapEvents)