webpack-web-app-manifest-plugin copied to clipboard
A webpack plugin that generates a PWA manifest and integrates with the assets JSON.
is a webpack plugin that generates a PWA manifest and integrates with the assets JSON generated by assets-webpack-plugin.
How to install it
npm install --save-dev webpack-web-app-manifest-plugin
yarn add webpack-web-app-manifest-plugin --dev
Using it the easy way
Name all of your icon files manifest/icon_[square dimension].(png|jpeg|jpg)
. If you have a different naming scheme for your files, check out the section Using it the hard way below.
When using webpack asset modules you will have a configuration section like this to produce the icon assets:
module: {
rules: [
// Manifest icons
test: /\.png$/,
type: 'asset/resource',
generator: {
filename: 'manifest/[name]-[contenthash:8][ext][query]',
In your webpack config file:
import AppManifestPlugin from 'webpack-web-app-manifest-plugin';
// …
plugins: [
new AppManifestPlugin({
content: {
name: 'Tumblr',
short_name: 'Tumblr',
background_color: '#36465d',
destination: '/manifest',
To access the app manifest file path from your asset manifest:
const manifest = // however you usually access your asset manifest in code
const appManifestPath = manifest['app-manifest'].json;
<link rel="manifest" href={appManifestPath} />
Using it the hard way
If you don't want to name your icons based on our naming scheme, you will want to implement a few functions that are passed into the plugin.
is a function to determine if a webpack asset should be included as an icon in the web app manifest. The function accepts a filename
parameter and returns true or false.
For example, if you only wanted to include a specific list of files, you could implement it like this:
plugins: [
new AppManifestPlugin({
isAssetManifestIcon: (fileName) => ['myIcon1.png', 'myIcon2.png'].indexOf(fileName) >= 0,
is a function to determine the icon size of any asset that passes the check isAssetManifestIcon()
. The function accepts a fileName
parameter and returns an object { width, height }
For example, if you wanted to hardcode a list of sizes for your icons, you could implement it like this:
const iconSizes = {
'myIcon1.png': { width: 120, height: 120},
'myIcon2.png': { width: 80, height: 80},
plugins: [
new AppManifestPlugin({
getIconSize: (fileName) => iconSizes[fileName],
is a function to determine the type of any asset that passes the check isAssetManifestIcon()
. The function accepts a fileName
parameter and returns a string describing the mime type of the asset, ex. "image/png".
For example, if you wanted to hardcode a list of mime types for your icons, you could implement it like this:
const iconTypes = { 'myIcon1.png': 'image/png', 'myIcon2.jpg': 'image/jpeg' };
plugins: [
new AppManifestPlugin({
getIconType: (fileName) => iconTypes[fileName],