ivy-posframe copied to clipboard
swiper-avy and ivy-posframe are having trouble
hi, thank you so much for this very nice package!
I've found a weird bug -
with the following settings, swiper-avy doesn't work... I have a keybinding C-s for swiper and C-' for swiper-avy.
But when I try: C-s (launch swiper), and C-h k to describe C-', it says it's bound to ivy-posframe-swiper-avy, and not to swiper-avy in swiper.el
(setq ivy-posframe-display-functions-alist '((swiper-avy . nil) (swiper . nil) (t . ivy-posframe-display-at-frame-center))) (setq ivy-posframe-parameters '((left-fringe . 8) (right-fringe . 8))) (ivy-posframe-mode 1)
I basically want swiper to be working without posframe...
hmm, you need to unbind [swiper-avy]
in ivy-posframe-mode-map
I check this issue by below sample init.el
;; ~/.debug.emacs.d/ivy-posframe-with-avy/init.el
;; you can run like 'emacs -q -l ~/.debug.emacs.d/{{pkg}}/init.el'
(when load-file-name
(setq user-emacs-directory
(expand-file-name (file-name-directory load-file-name))))
(prog1 "prepare leaf"
(prog1 "package"
'(package-archives '(("org" . "https://orgmode.org/elpa/")
("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/")
("gnu" . "https://elpa.gnu.org/packages/"))))
(prog1 "leaf"
(unless (package-installed-p 'leaf)
(package-install 'leaf))))
(leaf avy :ensure t)
(leaf ivy
:custom ((ivy-mode . t)
(counsel-mode . t))
(leaf swiper
:ensure t
:bind (("C-s" . swiper)
("C-'" . swiper-avy)))
(leaf ivy-posframe
:ensure t
:bind ((ivy-posframe-mode-map
([remap swiper-avy] . nil)))
:custom ((ivy-posframe-mode . t)
. '((swiper-avy . nil)
(swiper . nil)
(t . ivy-posframe-display-at-frame-center)))
. '((left-fringe . 8)
(right-fringe . 8))))))
I tried that. It doesn't work... This is after calling swiper, searching for a word and calling swiper-avy:
@tumashu can you let me know about this? thanks! :)
try run ivy-posframe-avy
that jumps to ivy candidates - I want to jump to swiper candidates... I tried it anyway. Didn't work either.
So @conao3 was right about unbinding swiper-avy.
deleting this line works for me - https://github.com/tumashu/ivy-posframe/blob/master/ivy-posframe.el#L555
if you can tell me what the elisp way of editing this is, I'd appreciate it! :)
I tried (define-key ivy-posframe-mode-map "C-'" nil) but that didn't work...
Maybe fixed, please try again
呆神,请问下,pyim五笔候选框在 ivy-posframe中无法显示,只能通过盲猜输入汉字候选词条。 @tumashu
+1, 在 ivy-posframe 中 pyim 没有输入框
@weitongdao 试试 (setq ivy-posframe-hide-minibuffer nil) 把,难看是难看,最起码能让你看到候选词
@weitongdao 试试 (setq ivy-posframe-hide-minibuffer nil) 把,难看是难看,最起码能让你看到候选词
真棒, 可以了