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New WineD3D requires new functions implementations
Is it possible to implement these new functions?
gdi32: D3DKMTCreateDevice D3DKMTDestroyDevice D3DKMTOpenAdapterFromGdiDisplayName D3DKMTSetVidPnSourceOwner
As I researched the most important to function are: D3DKMTCreateDevice D3DKMTOpenAdapterFromGdiDisplayName
They are implemented in Wine with these two patches. https://github.com/wine-mirror/wine/commit/733a92df4bdeb1f4592155ee6fb4d5a7542113bf#diff-b333ec2bd91f466dbe68225f9cc09a4f
I don't know even make d3d9ex works here, haven't catching up with KMT, I thought you're ahead of me in direct3d stuff!?
yes but not in KMT stuff. Personally, I don't develop One-Core-API, I just have some fun work with WineD3D on Windows. Now starting from WineD3D 4.19 it requires some more D3DKMT* functions without which I can't make it work. It is now very hard to revert those KMT pathces.