gomuks icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gomuks copied to clipboard

Document how to use with SOCKS5 proxy (tor)

Open jjakob opened this issue 2 years ago • 0 comments

Torsocks doesn't work on Go programs since they don't use system libraries but use syscalls directly. Torsocks won't say any warnings about this, gomuks just silently won't be proxied over tor.

Go's net/http library by default uses environment variables to determine whether to use a proxy for http connections. I tried this and it works: HTTP_PROXY="socks5://" HTTPS_PROXY="$HTTP_PROXY" gomuks

https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/torsocks/-/issues/22068 https://pkg.go.dev/net/http#ProxyFromEnvironment

jjakob avatar Jan 19 '22 03:01 jjakob