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Specify and synthesize systems using symbolic algorithms

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A package of symbolic algorithms using binary decision diagrams (BDDs) for synthesizing implementations from temporal logic specifications. This is useful for designing systems, especially vehicles that carry humans.

  • Synthesis algorithms for Moore or Mealy implementations of:

    See and the example gr1_synthesis_intro.

  • Enumeration of state machines (as networkx graphs) from the synthesized symbolic implementations. See

  • Facilities to simulate the resulting implementations with little and readable user code. See omega.steps and the example moore_moore.

  • Code generation for the synthesized symbolic implementations. This code is correct-by-construction. See omega.symbolic.codegen.

  • Minimal covering with a symbolic algorithm to find a minimal cover, and to enumerate all minimal covers. Used to convert BDDs to minimal formulas. See omega.symbolic.cover and omega.symbolic.cover_enum, and the example minimal_formula_from_bdd.

  • First-order linear temporal logic (LTL) with rigid quantification and substitution. See omega.logic.lexyacc, omega.logic.ast, and omega.logic.syntax.

  • Bitblaster of quantified integer arithmetic (integers -> bits). See omega.logic.bitvector.

  • Translation from past to future LTL, using temporal testers. See omega.logic.past.

  • Symbolic automata that manage first-order formulas by seamlessly using binary decision diagrams (BDDs) underneath. You can:

    • declare variables and constants
    • translate:
      1. formulas to BDDs and
      2. BDDs to minimal formulas via minimal covering
    • quantify
    • substitute
    • prime/unprime variables
    • get the support of predicates
    • pick satisfying assignments (or work with iterators)
    • define operators

    See omega.symbolic.temporal and omega.symbolic.fol for more details.

  • Facilities to write symbolic fixpoint algorithms. See omega.symbolic.fixpoint and, and the example reachability_solver.

  • Conversion from graphs annotated with formulas to temporal logic formulas. These graphs can help specify transition relations. The translation is in the spirit of predicate-action diagrams.

    See omega.symbolic.logicizer and omega.automata for more details, and the example symbolic.

  • Enumeration and plotting of state predicates and actions represented as BDDs. See omega.symbolic.enumeration.


In doc/


import omega.symbolic.fol as _fol

ctx = _fol.Context()
    x=(0, 10),
    y=(-2, 5),
u = ctx.add_expr(
    r'(x <= 2) /\ (y >= -1)')
v = ctx.add_expr(
    r'(y <= 3) => (x > 7)')
r = u & ~ v
expr = ctx.to_expr(r)


pip install omega

The package and its dependencies are pure Python.

For solving demanding games, install the Cython module dd.cudd that interfaces to CUDD. Instructions are available at dd.


BSD-3, see LICENSE file.