Tukusej’s Sirs
Tukusej’s Sirs
These are the possible codes for `state`: - `0`: `run mode`/`execution active`; - `1`: `ready to run`/`execution ready`; - `2`: `not used`; - `3`: `faulted`/`execution interrupted`. And the fault and...
We should create som NPM scripts (in `package.json`) for some stuff like: - `build`, - `release`, - `lint`, - `lint:check`, - `prettier`, - `prettier:check`, - `start`, - `start:dev`, - ….
We need to clearly define our Github workflow (issues, projects, milestones, branches, versioning …). This issue should be considered a meta-issue and sub-issues should be created when needed for individual...
We already have som issue labels (mostly GitHub default) defined, however, we could do better. Also we could improve our usage of labels. @bburns currently uses the first part of...
Note: This issue is a _meta-issue_. In future, we will move some tasks to sub-issues to deal with individual tasks in detail. Over the time, the meta-issue will contain all...
Consider using [Nest](https://nestjs.com/) framework. This needs to be discussed, as this is a quite big change in how we program `l99` and related apps/libs.
You seem to have multiple packages in a single repository, but the repository structure is a bit confusing. Below is a suggested structure: - `apps/`: - `services/` seem to be...
I suggest to use [EditorConfig](https://editorconfig.org/).
[ESLint](https://eslint.org/) is used to define some style rules, as well as it checks some common code mistakes. ESLint statically analyses the code to quickly find problems.