@nguyencongbinh you can get all contacts then filter them by type number using either RxJava or a for loop: [Filtering a list in Java](http://zetcode.com/articles/javafilterlist/) [Filter using RxJava](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38118876/filter-list-of-object-in-rxjava)
just wasted 8 hours wondering why I get [404](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/71275411/nginx-ingress-gives-404-on-microk8s-with-working-service)... turns out it's because the annotation doesn't work or is not picked up by cert-manager... works fine with edit-in-place but for...
@jimmywarting hey I got the same issue right now (maybe a bit different but it might help). What I'm doing is to let the user choose a file in Firefox/Safari/Brave/Chrome...
here is the demo that you can use to maybe better understand what I'm talking about: 1. using Chrome go to https://dev.super-transfer.com/sender/?userId=user1 - the parameters are hardcoded 2. open Chrome...
@jimmywarting found the problem...should I move everything in another github issue? This behaviour is not StreamSaver fault but rather the browser or data types inconsistencies. I don't think I would...
maybe replace https://github.com/jimmywarting/StreamSaver.js/blob/1bce493b16fd51cf313570445e2b9f96045393cb/StreamSaver.js#L254 with `chunks.push(chunk.buffer)` would also do the trick because chunk will be a typed array `Uint8Array` that already has access to arraybuffer
Update: the above solution doesn't seem to work...is definitely something with how safari handles clicks/saving arraybuffer[]/blob/file because if I don't save the file, the transfer works fine and happens multiple...
I'm not sure I understand because on the retrofit website says "Retrofit is a REST Client for Java and Android" and it also works without issues when doing a simple...
Also have a look at Houdini CSS...might be able to implement in CSS and "take advantage of GPU" or something along those lines... and might get more stars & patreons...
@kwameopareasiedu that is awesome! we must push for more hype on this project because I'm sure there are thousands of developers interested.... I already posted on reddit but I'm not...