Tudor Malene
Tudor Malene
Hi Adil, Thanks for spotting this. Yes, this is a bug. For some reason , when migrating to the asset-pipeline plugin , I also added the jqgrid addons library. With...
Hi Eric, Yes definitely. I will upgrade the plugin soon.
This is from VetScheduleController in the petclinic sample: ``` 'pet.type.name' { label 'Type' filterDataType Long filterProperty 'pet.type.id' jqgrid { stype = 'select' searchoptions { sopt(['eq']) value(JsUtils.convertListToString { PetType.listOrderByName() }) }...
This is pretty tricky. It can be anything as long as that closure returns a list of object or maps of type `[name: 'name', id: 'id']` This list will be...
Hi, I think searchoptions.value on statusDesc belongs in the controller. Something like: ``` def mailerMergeGrid={ ... columns{ ... statusDesc{ .... jqgrid { .... searchoptions { value(JsUtils.convertListToString{ pasGridService.getBrokersForOrder(EasygridContextHolder.params.jobId) }) } }...
Hi, Before I can make a recommendation, here is a very important question: - How dynamic is the actual data coming from the APIs? ( are there x total fields...
Well, easygrid is mainly designed for a static number of columns. There were indeed multiple requests for dynamic columns. Here is the reason why the 'dataColumns' cannot be in the...
You need to run the `easygrid-setup` command. This will copy the templates.
Hi, Regarding your first question: _How do I pass external parameters to view from controller method?_ A: Do you need these parameters for some filtering? Can you provide some code...
Hi, Can you tell me again what is it exactly you are trying to achieve? I mean from a functional point of view. I couldn't understand from your code snippets....