Tudor Malene
Tudor Malene
Hi, This is a little tricky. You have to run the sort in the database. The easiest option is to create a derived property: See: http://www.grails.org/doc/latest/guide/GORM.html#derivedProperties Another option is to...
Hi Robert, The GormDatasourceService is not actually named properly. It should actually be called HibernateDatasourceService because it uses HibernateCriteriaBuilder. Initially I was using DetachedCriteria but there was a bug so...
There's multiple way you can do this: 1) ``` columns{ 'ingredient.name'{ value{ "${it.name}"; } } } ``` This will filter and sort on the ingredient name 2) If you are...
Can you show me your entire grid?
Hi , You can write your grid like this : ``` groovy def recipeGrid = { // you can add these to settings to your EasygriConfig file in the defaults...
Try this: ``` groovy 'ingredient.name' { filterProperty 'ingredient.name' value { "${it.ingredient.name}"; } ``` You have to add the filterProperty manually .This seems to be a bug - the filterProperty is...
Did you make this work properly, eventually?
Something like this should work: ``` { Filter filter -> if (looksLikePhoneNumber(filter.paramValue)) { phoneNumbers { eq('value', filter.paramValue) } } else { eq('id', filter.ParamValue) } } ``` From your pseudo code...
Looks more like the Filter object for that field is never created in the first place. The filters for the grid columns are created in the 'filters' method of the...
Thanks. I'll look into it. Maybe I'll spot something. In the meanwhile, you can also try this with the 'globalFilterClosure', which you define on the grid level. Something like this:...