nvremind copied to clipboard
alternate title not working?
If you include a double-quoted string at the end of the remind tag value, it will override the default reminder title. @remind(2013-05-24 "This is the override") would create a reminder called "This is the override", ignoring any other text on the line or the name of the file. Additional text on the line or the entire note (in the case of a @remind tag on its own line) will still be included in the note, if the notification method supports that.
This doesn't work for me - the title remains the title of the note, not the value between the quotes.
However, great idea! Thanks for doing this.
Cheers, Jody
hornby:Library jklymak$ nvremind.rb -m -V -n -z ~/ownCloud/Notational/
Start at 2013-06-26T09:55:07-07:00
reminders = true
remove = false
reminder_list = Reminders
verbose = true
notify = true
email = false
stdout = true
Title: Boo
Extension: .txt
Message: Boo [2013-06-26]
Note: @remind(2013-06-26 "BooWho")
- <nvalt://find/Boo>
Boo [2013-06-26]
Finished at 2013-06-26T09:55:14-07:00
I'll have to look into it. This project kind of stalled as I'm working on a more user-friendly version of it right now.
@jklymak @ttscoff I had the same problem, and figured out a fix-- by default, input places "smart quotes" (i.e., “this awful things, where the beginning and ending quote symbol is different”). You can disable by going into Edit > Substitutions > Smart Quotes , so that you get "these" quotes...which work great for an alternate title.