astro-landing-page icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
astro-landing-page copied to clipboard

🚀 AWE.SOME - An Astro Landing Page Template


A simple landing page built with Astro and Tailwind CSS.


Port of the 11ty & Hugo versions

How to use this template


  1. Astro (developed and tested with version 2.10.12)
  2. Tailwind CSS (Astro integration)

All other dependencies are either linked from a CDN or included in this repository.


  1. Fork, clone or download
  2. cd into the root folder
  3. run npm install
  4. run npm run dev
  5. open a browser and go to http://localhost:4321

Setup Alternative:

npm create astro@latest -- --template ttntm/astro-landing-page

See: Starter Templates in the official docs.

Basic configuration:

  1. Astro -> ./astro.config.mjs
  2. Tailwind -> ./tailwind.config.cjs
  3. Netlify -> ./netlify.toml

CSS (in ./src/styles/) is processed by Astro directly; this project is using the Tailwind integration module.


Astro requires the final deployed URL in its config file.

Replace the placeholder with your site's URL and keep the trailing slash:

case 'production':
  build.siteURL = ''

Change Content:

Page content is stored in

  • ./src/pages/
  • ./src/content/sections/
  • ./src/data/features.json

Change Templates/Layout:

Page structure and templates are stored in ./src/layouts/ and can be edited there.

Best have a look at ./layouts/Base.astro first to understand how it all comes together - the page itself is constructed from partial templates stored in ./src/components/ and each section has a corresponding template file in the sections subfolder.

Sections are a so called collection that's defined in ./src/content/config.ts. They are processed in alphabetical order (as stored in ./src/content/sections/) by the Wrapper.astro component (./src/components/sections/). The wrapper passes them into the SectionResolver.astro component (./src/components/sections/); this intermediary resolver should help reduce redundancy in keeping the actual section components as "dumb" as possible.

Change images:

Images are stored in ./public/img/; everything in there can be considered a placeholder that should eventually be replaced with your actual production images.