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PGN127489 Engine fault list too short ?
firstly I appreciate so much your NMEA libraries. I was quickly figuring all out, so I can manipulate messages with ease. Nevertheless I'm working on transmitting Engine Dynamic parameters (PGN127489) and I have faced flood of unknown faults on my Raymarine Axiom MFD (OK, actually just 8 of them). After investigating raw CAN data, I found, that 4th CAN frame of PGN127489 message always sends FF on Byte position 4. Even earlier during coding I noted, you defined only 24 error flags in N2kMessages.h file. I was not digging further, but somehow the code is pushing FF to last 8 bits. I tried to pull the whole Status2 to zero value (actually I don't need no flag from Status2), but it doesn't work.
My opinion is, all of these statuses (if not specifically set) should be zero by default.
I have modified N2kMessages.h as follows:
I added 8 bool flags into: inline void SetN2kPGN127489(... and inline void SetN2kEngineDynamicParam(... bool flagBlind0=false, bool flagBlind1=false, ... , bool flagBlind7=false)
and added bits into Status2: Status2.Bits.Blind0 = flagBlind0; Status2.Bits.Blind1 = flagBlind1; ... Status2.Bits.Blind7 = flagBlind7;
The flags should be added inot file NMEA2000StdTypes.h under structure union tN2kDD223 as follows: uint16_t Blind0 : 1; uint16_t Blind1 : 1; ... uint16_t Blind7 : 1;
I'm not sure this by the NMEA book, but it works.
Please check that you have latest version having line 146 tN2kDD223(uint16_t _Status=0): Status(_Status) {}; That sets all flags to 0 as default.
My line 146 contains: tN2kDD223(uint16_t _Status=0): Status(_Status & 0x00ff) {};
I checked your Git: https://github.com/ttlappalainen/NMEA2000/blob/master/src/NMEA2000StdTypes.h and seems the same.
Ah, I have not updated the newest version with Manufacturer specific bits. But that version should anyvay reset high unspecified bits.