Thomas ten Cate

Results 43 issues of Thomas ten Cate

Biggest feature gap compared to bfxr.


Apart from just sine waves. Could be really cool.

From an email conversation: > From a synth-geek perspective, I might rename the term “Vibrato” to “Frequency Modulation” or “FM", because vibrato (usually a guitar or vocal modulation ‘effect’) never...

Doesn't have to be extensive at first. Just to check that basic functionality is working.

The Grunt + Webpack approach doesn't allow for an efficient development workflow; we can only run the entire pipeline again if something changes. But I think we can drive everything...

Compression currently works on a single sample, essentially `sample = Math.pow(sample, compression)`. It would be useful to have a compressor that amplifies quiet parts of the sound, based on the...


Instead of being implicitly 0, we should be able to configure it.


What bfxr calls "Bit crush" is actually a downsampling and re-upsampling. Add it under this name (with sweep).


Currently, the sound is synthesized all in one go. For long sounds, this leads to UI freeze and bad user experience. There is already some code to do the work...


This should do some automatic crossfading of configurable duration, and of course looping playback.
