react-native-password-strength-checker icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-native-password-strength-checker copied to clipboard

A react-native password input with strength checker for both IOS and Android


A react-native password input with strength checker for both IOS and Android


  • Use zxcvbn to check password strength, combine with custom rules and password length
  • Support for both IOS and Android, use ES6 React native
  • Animated strength bar
  • Check password is too short
  • Check password not match rules
  • Custom strength level (corresponding to 5 levels)
  • Custom style for password input and password strength


This Component is built using Dropbox zxcvbn password strength estimator library


2017-08-22 12_19_00


npm install react-native-password-strength-checker --save



Import this module:

import PasswordStrengthChecker from 'react-native-password-strength-checker';

Use as a component:

// Define streng level list
const strengLevels = [
        label: 'Weak',
        labelColor: '#fff',
        widthPercent: '33',
        innerBarColor: '#fe6c6c'
        label: 'Weak',
        labelColor: '#fff',
        widthPercent: '33',
        innerBarColor: '#fe6c6c'
        label: 'Fair',
        labelColor: '#fff',
        widthPercent: '67',
        innerBarColor: '#feb466'
        label: 'Fair',
        labelColor: '#fff',
        widthPercent: '67',
        innerBarColor: '#feb466'
        label: 'Strong',
        labelColor: '#fff',
        widthPercent: '100',
        innerBarColor: '#6cfeb5'

// Define too short object
const tooShort = {
      enabled: true,
      label: 'Too short',
      labelColor: 'red'

render() {
  return (
        onChangeText={(text, isValid) => this.setState({ password: { value: text, isValid: isValid } })} 


  • Define min length for password.
    Default: 0
  • Rules: digits, letters, words, symbols, upperCase, lowerCase.
    Separate rules with |.
    Default: { ruleNames: 'lowerCase|upperCase|digits|symbols' }
  • Define min level to pass validation (0,1,2,3,4)
    Default: { minLevel: 2}
  • Define and enable too short case:
    Default: { tooShort: { enabled: false, labelColor: '#fff', label: 'Too short', widthPercent: '33', innerBarColor: '#fe6c6c' } }
    If you want to show 'too short', Enable it to show when password length is too short
  • Define strength labels and label colors, strength bar colors, percentage of width for each level
    Default: { strengthLevels: [ { label: 'Weak', labelColor: '#fff', widthPercent: '33', innerBarColor: '#fe6c6c' }, { label: 'Weak', labelColor: '#fff', widthPercent: '33', innerBarColor: '#fe6c6c' }, { label: 'Fair', labelColor: '#fff', widthPercent: '67', innerBarColor: '#feb466' }, { label: 'Fair', labelColor: '#fff', widthPercent: '67', innerBarColor: '#feb466' }, { label: 'Strong', labelColor: '#fff', widthPercent: '100', innerBarColor: '#6cfeb5' } ] }


This component uses the same props as <TextInput>. Below are additional props for this component:

Prop Type Optional Defaul Description
minLength number Yes 0 Min length for password
ruleNames string Yes Above List of rule name to check password
strengLevels object array Yes Above List of password strength level with label, label color, percentage of width, bar color
tooShort object Yes Above enabled, label, label color, percentage of width, bar color for too short
minLevel number Yes 2 Min level to pass password validation
inputWraperStyle object Yes Style for <View> wrapped password input
inputStyle object/style Yes Style for password input
strengthWrapperStyle object/style Yes Style for <View> wrapped password strength bar and description
strengthBarStyle object/style Yes Style for password strength bar
innerStrengthBarStyle object/style Yes Style for password strength bar based on strength level
strengthDescriptionStyle object/style Yes Style for password strength description
barColor string Yes '#ffffff' Color of filled password strength bar
barWidthPercent number Yes 70 Percentage of password strength bar width
onChangeText function No Trigger when user inputs and password input finishes validation. Returns value and validation result
showBarOnEmpty boolean Yes true Only show strength bar when input is empty or not

Strength level object:

Property Type Description
label string Label for strength level description
labelColor string Color for strength level description label
widthPercent number Percentage of width for inner strength level bar
innerBarColor string Color for inner strength level bar

Too short object:

Property Type Description
enabled boolean Enable too short description
label string Label for strength level description
labelColor string Color for strength level description label
widthPercent number Percentage of width for inner strength level bar
innerBarColor string Color for inner strength level bar



git clone
cd react-native-password-strength-checker/example
npm install
react-native run-ios / react-native run-android


react-native-password-strength-checker is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.

Any question or support will welcome.