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A trainable Binary Quadratic Model (BQM) as a Factorization Machine (FM)


The fmqa package provides a trainable binary quadratic model FMBQM. In combination with annealing solvers, it enables optimization of a black-box function in a data-driven way. This could expand the application of annealing solvers.

A common way of solving a combinatorial optimization problem is to encode the objective function into a binary quadratic model (BQM), where the user has to set parameters of the BQM beforehand. However, our fmqa.FMBQM class can automatically learn the parameters based on a dataset provided by users. This is an ideal approach when the user can evaluate the objective function on any given input, but has no knowledge about the analytical form of it.

The FMBQM class inherits from dimod.BQM of D-Wave Ocean Tools, so the basic usage of FMBQM has many in common with that of BQM. For the functions specific to FMBQM, such as how to train the model, please refer to the example code below.


On the root of the project, run

$ python install


For an example use of the package, we try to minimize this function:

def two_complement(x, scaling=True):
    Evaluation function for binary array
    of two's complement representation.

    example (when scaling=False):
    [0,0,0,1] => 1
    [0,0,1,0] => 2
    [0,1,0,0] => 4
    [1,0,0,0] => -8
    [1,1,1,1] => -1
    val, n = 0, len(x)
    for i in range(n):
        val += (1<<(n-i-1)) * x[i] * (1 if (i>0) else -1)
    return val * (2**(1-n) if scaling else 1)

This is an evaluator of two's complement representation, while its output is scaled to [-1,1].

We fix the input length to 16, and generate initial dataset of size 5 for training.

import numpy as np

xs = np.random.randint(2, size=(5,16))
ys = np.array([two_complement(x) for x in xs])

Based on the dataset, train a FMBQM model.

import fmqa
model = fmqa.FMBQM.from_data(xs, ys)

We use simulated annealing from dimod package here to solve the trained model.

import dimod
sa_sampler = dimod.samplers.SimulatedAnnealingSampler()

We repeat taking 3 samples at once and updating the model for 15 times (45 samples taken in total).

for _ in range(15):
    res = sa_sampler.sample(model, num_reads=3)
    xs = np.r_[xs, res.record['sample']]
    ys = np.r_[ys, [two_complement(x) for x in res.record['sample']]]
    model.train(xs, ys)

Then, the history of the sampling looks like this.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.plot(ys, 'o')
plt.xlabel('Selection ID')
plt.ylabel('value (scaled)')


We can see that the sampling go down to near optimal as the dataset grows.


The fmqa package is licensed under the MIT "Expat" License.


If you use this package in your work, please cite:

  title = {Designing metamaterials with quantum annealing and factorization machines},
  author = {Kitai, Koki and Guo, Jiang and Ju, Shenghong and Tanaka, Shu and Tsuda, Koji and Shiomi, Junichiro and Tamura, Ryo},
  journal = {Phys. Rev. Research},
  volume = {2},
  issue = {1},
  pages = {013319},
  numpages = {10},
  year = {2020},
  month = {Mar},
  publisher = {American Physical Society},
  doi = {10.1103/PhysRevResearch.2.013319},
  url = {}