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Q: Operating System?


Q: Text Editor/IDE?

Usually Emacs. Sometimes Vim. My dotfiles.

Q: Font?


Q: Headphones?


Q: What's up with your editor's line numbers?

Those are relative line numbers, showing distance from the cursor position. I use them so I can quickly see how many lines I need to jump up or down to get to a particular line.

Q: Window Manager?


Q: What terminal emulator do you use?


Q: What program do you draw in?


Q: What is your tablet?

Old version of Wacom Intuos Pen. They don't sell them anymore. But there are newer versions available. They just look different.

Q: What is your git client?


Q: Education?

Bachelor of CS

Q: What does "Tsoding" mean?

Turing Soding (or T-soding for short) is the act of recognizing, studying and exploiting Turing Complete computational systems.

Q: Ты говоришь по-русски?


Q: What's the keyboard you're using?

The USB one.

Q: What computer do you use?

The von Neumann one.

Q: What's the mic you're using?

Behringer C-1U

Q: Where are you from?

I'm from the Internet you silly! :) Just like you!

Q: How old are you?

I was born a year before the Soviet Union dissolution.

Q: What tea are you drinking?

Probably Earl Grey

Q: Do you drink coffee?


Q: How long have you been programming?

According to my best knowledge, since 2006.

Q: Why do you make Pull Requests to your own repos

My repos usually have a CI configured to keep the master branch always buildable and I want to make sure that my changes don't break anything by going through the same process as any contributor would.

Q: How do you stay motivated?

I don't. I just force myself to do things I don't wanna do until they become a habbit and after that I don't need motivation to do them.

Q: What do you do for a living?

I used to do a lot of programming prostitution, but now I'm a clown on the Internet.

Q: What is your favorite programming language?

I hate them all equally

Q: What was your first programming language?


Q: How many languages do you know?

I don't need to know any. I just copy-paste code from StackOverflow.

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