Thomas Mäder
Thomas Mäder
Supporting layouts for extracted widgets (having multiple widgets in the same external window) would not change the current architecture as far as css, webview communications, etc. are concerned. However, we...
Reminder: my branch for this is 13163_investigation
Should have a look at while we're at it. Editors are not much use if you can't reopen them.
Related and still open feature request:
Context menus are broken even for our current extractable Windowy: Problem lies in our implementation of `IContextMenuService`, but also the Phosphor menu widget does not work with secondary windows:...
There is another problem related to the "references" zone view: the view uses a `ListView` which in turn is has a `SmoothScrollableElement` extending `AbstractScrollableElement`. When the list tries to send...
Turns out `target instanceof target.ownerDocument.defaultView.HTMLElement === true`, but `target instanceof HTMLElement === false`. Different windows seems to have different class instances for HTMLElement. Go figure!
On the "bright" side, navigating via the PeekView does not work reliably in VS Code, either.
Found another issue: resizing the Peek View does not work in the secondary windows. It works in VS Code.
Diagnostics don't work when introducing an error in a secondary window with typescript: seems the typescript extensions keeps track of which tabs are shown to the user and only computes...