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new (?) statistic to efficiently calculate shared times between every pair of samples at every tree
Hi all, I've been messing around with different ways to calculate the shared time between every pair of samples in many trees, which is a useful metric because it describes the covariance of characteristics of the samples (e.g., traits, locations) under Brownian motion. At first I couldn't figure out how to use an existing statistic to do this, so I used the general_stat
function to make one of my own:
import numpy as np
def shared_times(ts):
"""Use general_stat function to calculate shared branch lengths between all samples at all trees.
ts: tskit tree sequence
A (n x k x k) numpy array, with n the number of trees in the sequence and k the number of sample nodes.
At each tree the (k x k) matrix gives the shared evolutionary times between each pair of sample nodes.
k = ts.num_samples #number of samples
W = np.identity(k) #each node i in [0,1,...,k] given row vector of weights with 1 in column i and 0's elsewhere
def f(x): return (x.reshape(-1,1) * x).flatten() #determine which pairs of samples share the branch above a node, flattened
return ts.general_stat(
W, f, k**2, mode='branch', windows='trees', polarised=True, strict=False
).reshape(ts.num_trees, k, k)
For example:
import msprime
ts = msprime.sim_ancestry(samples=5, population_size=1e4, sequence_length=1e4, recombination_rate=1e-8, random_seed=1)
sts = shared_times(ts)
The result can also be achieved by simply looping through trees and samples to calculate pairwise TMRCAs:
def shared_times(ts):
k = ts.num_samples
sts = np.zeros((ts.num_trees,k,k))
for t,tree in enumerate(ts.trees()):
T = tree.time(tree.root)
for i in range(k):
for j in range(i):
st = T - tree.tmrca(i,j)
sts[t,i,j] = st
sts[t,j,i] = st
return sts
but this is considerably slower when there are many trees (although it seems to be faster when there are few trees with many samples, e.g., ts = msprime.sim_ancestry(samples=2e2, population_size=1e4, random_seed=1)
-- not sure why).
Coming back to this much later (today), I realized you can use the divergence statistic, with a few tweaks, to do the same:
def shared_times(ts):
k = ts.num_samples
# get 2*tmrcas
sample_sets = [[i] for i in ts.samples()]
indexes = [(i,j) for i in ts.samples() for j in range(i,k)] #compare each sample with each other only once (entries of upper triangular)
divs = ts.divergence(sample_sets=sample_sets, indexes=indexes, mode='branch', windows='trees')
divs[np.isnan(divs)] = 0 #tmrcas with self are said to be nan, so convert to 0
# convert to matrices
divs_mat = np.zeros((ts.num_trees,k,k))
for ix,(i,j) in enumerate(indexes):
divs_mat[:,i,j] = divs[:,ix] #convert list to upper triangle
divs_mat[:,j,i] = divs[:,ix] #fill in lower triangle symmetrically
# convert to shared times
sts = np.zeros(divs_mat.shape)
for i,div in enumerate(divs_mat):
sts[i] = (np.max(div) - div)/2 #convert from 2*tmrcas to shared times
return sts
This latter method seems to be the fastest for small tree sequences (eg, ts = msprime.sim_ancestry(samples=5, population_size=1e4, sequence_length=1e6, recombination_rate=1e-8, random_seed=1)
) but loses this advantage as tree sequences get larger (eg, msprime.sim_ancestry(samples=1e2, population_size=1e4, sequence_length=1e6, recombination_rate=1e-8, random_seed=1)
). It also uses >2x the RAM of the first method, which quickly becomes important with larger tree sequences.
I'm wondering if my general_stat
matrix formulation would be useful as a new statistic of its own: related to the divergence
statistic but calculated differently (I think), sometimes faster, sometimes less memory intensive, and semantically simpler (for creating matrices). If so, I guess I'd have to also think about what happens as you vary the options in general_stat
, e.g., mode='node'
. Anyway, just wanted to put this out there in case it is helpful/useful. Thanks for building all this stuff!
(This is my first time writing an issue so sorry if I've messed up somehow -- I'd be keen to hear how to do this better!)